Three spells for love with white magic and rituals


Take a turn on intimate he or she and the other his. Tie them securely with a golden thread.
In a bowl pour rainwater with three drops of honey and placing garments there. Leave them for a day. Then remove them and say: I link your feelings to my feelings, ligo your heart my heart, ligo your desire to my desire, ligo your life to my life. You work is clamped from today until the end of my days.
Place them three days and three nights in the light of the moon. Throw the water for the toilet. Remove the garment and use yours every time they are together.


This tie will take place the first week of the month, starting on a Monday and using nine red candles, one per day.
Sign the name of the person to seduce the wax. Spread with almond oil to unleash love vibration.
Turn on the flame and to pronounce:

"Come to my (say his name) and chained to this call." Feel the fire of passion and the divine flame that originates from your love. "I do that you a your thinking with me so that together continue on the same path."

Let the candle is consumed completely. Gather the remains in a bag and upon completion of the nine days, throw it at the door of your lover or at the foot of his bed. At the time that the touch will be moored.


Crescent Moon and without anyone knowing it, prepare the following dust:
Mix 100 grams of nutmeg, ginger 100 and the dust a dozen dried and crushed amaranth leaves stir everything until you get a uniform mixture.
Add few drops of saliva. It will help to energize more spell.
Mix everything and take the dust in your hands as you say: "I beg your love, I pray your soul, I pray your whole being so only you remain my devotee".
Whenever you need it, put a pinch on the clothes of your partner. The results will be immediate.

My blessings, Amira Asmodea

Occultism: relaxation for work

Relaxation is a significant portion to start any hidden work situations, since the internal senses cannot be used properly while psychological stress, and lack of a relaxed physical state indicates the presence of these tensions, whether conscious or unconscious. The mind is closely connected with the body, and will be an intentional and systematic relaxation of the body to relax internal stresses and will thus pave the way for internal activities that we need to carry out. The first thing to do is to lie on a hard surface. The fact that it is a hard surface will serve to accentuate the fact in no uncertain way, that one is not completely relaxed. Perform a few deep breaths, and then proceed to deliberately relax the body, muscle by muscle. A good idea is to start with the head and work slowly down, mentally ordering every muscle to relax per shift. And then, when you've gone through the entire body, replace the head again to see if some muscles have strained again. You should tour the entire body several times in this way, until there is no unconscious tension.

Just then we can be in the proper State to perform the required work without fear of being interfered with by internal tensions that hinder our actions.