This spell is simple and practical, very used to reveal the feelings that a person has toward us and behind us.
First, we must get the petals from a white rose, a bowl with water from rain, abundant ashes of wood, a white canvas.
The next step is to place the ashes in the center of the canvas, placed on the ground. We will do a package with the canvas and ash, and say:
"Truth clarification
that is to say the words
that does not hide the truths,
Help me, oh goddess,
"I want to know what's like to _ (say the name and surname of the person)"
Then we introduce your canvas in rain water and wait for 10 minutes. If the ashes go into the water and it becomes cloudy, is because the person has hidden feelings towards us, if the water remains crystal clear it is because he is telling the truth and not hide us nothing.
I hope you make it useful
My blessings, Asmodea
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