If your work is not well and want to change it, or if you are unemployed and loves to get one, this ritual you can help get you are both looking for, but should follow it carefully and not to deviate from it so that it has effect.

First, you should get:
-A candle blue
-A golden candle
-a piece of a paper
-A photo of who need work

Although the spell can be performed at any time of the day, it is best to perform at midnight, in a quiet place where we do not disrupt.
To begin with, should be written in the role name and the surname of who need to get work (a family or oneself). Then concentrate and meditate on the way in which this will become a reality, trying to visualize the person working.
This should be done for about ten minutes. Then you must switch on Golden candle.

Then, focus on all the problems that have the person in the present work or that prevent you from getting one. Light the blue candle and place it on the paper with the name. Let fire burn and eat all the negative thoughts and all the problems.

If the ritual does not work, every 20 days or a month you can repeat the ritual twice more. Even you can continue to do so even if you've already achieved your purpose, because this recipe will give you strength so that everything goes better.

My blessings