This is another method that can be used as a defense to protect us from the dark entities.
When the magic circle is created and closed it can never be opened and nor transferred by any entity, by powerful to be.

Not all entities can tear the magic circle.

You can create the magic circle every night a little before going to sleep, every time that we want to make a practice of astral introspection, reflection, concentration, etc.
To make the most efficient circle is always good, before drawing it, the spell of Belilin (not to mention repeated it several times.)

In this way we will be making sure that the atmosphere will be "clean" when to be drawn.
It can be drawn around the bed in which we slept, around the room, etc.

To make the magic circle will request to our inner father (which is the Real self, the Individual master of every human being) for that command to the elemental intercessor so this draw the magic circle around the place we want to be protected.

This request should be repeated 3 times, and whenever we ask will have to imagine the elemental intercessor tracing around the place we want to.

Due to our psychological state elementary intercessor does not obey us, and is therefore that we should ask Real being so this order you to draw the magic circle.