Amulet for luck in your new work and strength to help you

Hello, today I will teach you a simple but powerful amulet that can always carry in your purse or anywhere to ensure prosperity, luck and success in your new job.

What we get are common and easy to have:
6 coins
A green canvas
Laurel leaves
6 green candles

Well, let's start.
First place 6 coins at the vertices of a 6 pointed, like the David star.

Secondly, what arem is to place a candle on top of each of the coins. The leaves of laurel in the center of the star.

Then, we will light six candles green, taking care that all burning properly are.

The next step is to invoke the demon of avarice, Mammon, which regulates the power of money on Earth and in hell. So repeat on the candles.

"Mr Mammón Hells
Providence of the poor
attends to this your disciple
responds to this your follower
and protect it from failure
away from poverty
and help him in happiness."

Made this request, humbly, we will leave that the candles melt on coins patiently. Finally, place the six coins within the green cloth and will do a short knot.

This talisman, which we must not speak or brag much less against other people, can join us in our endeavours to help us succeed.


Spell to clean a House of spirits - magic for protection and cleaning

This spell is known, but never is too much when we repeat it for those who are newly initiated in witchcraft because it is simple and effective way to protect with magic and made exsorsisms.

It is common to use when a home is being attacked by malicious spirits, or is inhabited by ghosts that we want to get away and clean all over.

The procedure of the Magical Protectio is as follows:

Jug with holly water
We must get a glass jug, and put on it a bit of holy water (not needed much, just some drops).

Inside the jug with water, placed a bit of sand, a Red Ribbon and a handful of sulfur. Leave overnight the uninhabited house with the vase in a central place.

Holly WaterIn the course of that night, the trap will attract the spirits that are hovering inside home, trapped by the holy water.

When we return the next morning, we pour the contents of jar somewhere outside our House, the street, so spirits and ghosts are not released within, and the protection of the house was completed.

I hope it was useful

Amira Asmodea

Spell of witchcfaft for couples in crisis

Many people ask me desperate involved on a crisis of couple, to help reconcile them or remove doubts. Here is a simple recipe that I use frequently to achieve that end.

Make a circle of leaves of ruda and within it, each individual partner must put a paper folded with five things that he likes the other, written with red ink. Consecrated to the gods of love Apelles them, placing upon them a branch of cinnamon to ensure harmony, and some incense to ward off the negative.

Finally, place in a recipienta and placed on petals of white roses. Fill it with alcohol. Leave it in a place of the House where you can see it every day and remember his feelings for the other.

Blessings, Amira

Voodoo Ritual to subdue a person - how to perform voodoo magic

Many times I have been asked how it is possible to carry out a ritual of Voodoo at home, and in the majority of cases the question comes from specific despechados loves that they crave for your partner, or for people who need to master to another.

Making Voodoo Rituals to Subdue

Well, in this simple ceremony I will teach you how to perform the voodoo ritual of domain, which taught me the breast Sarunda on the occasion of my visit to the island of Haiti.

Voodoo Ritual to subdue a person
Let's start:
We begin the ritual for the Moon, if possible at midnight. It is important to dress completely in white and walk barefoot to a field, where we are confident that the lunar light reaches us.

We will carry this place a rag doll, a garment that belong to the person we want to tie, a white cord, and a bit of land.

We will begin by lying to our doll, always calling him with the name of the person we want to dominate, over the fabric of the person. We then knot both with rope or white thread, ensuring that they remain strongly united.

Finally, we recite:

"Oh gods who dwell in the hollow"
darkness of the night,
Oh gods benefactors of the Virgin
Moon who protects me,
give me dominion over (say the name)
and that willingness to bend to mine"

At the time that repeats this magic, must cover with earth the snowman and leave it there where buried it. The domain will remain strong as long as our voodoo talisman remains completely underground, and up to the next moon.

Hope that you like this ritual, the first of several Voodoo rituals. I'm going to teach them, and to share it please to let others know about it.

My blessings.

Hi all, today I move an old amulet which is used even in some rural areas of the South of France to scare away demons and evil spirits.

First, choose a good size ginger root.

Then, holding the piece of ginger between embers until it starts to burn, placed copper candlestick or a dish, and is sahúma House with the spicy aroma that will be obtained from the same. This odor will purify spirits home and away any demon that seals our home.

Once the process is finished, the rest is wrapped in a porous material, such as a gauze, and hangs from the front door to prevent that they enter the spirits, at least for a week.

This amulet is really effective and you can still see as realized in the fields of the French South, especially in the time of harvest.


Very strong spell to make a "Love Perfume" -For strong bonds on love

First and foremost blend around a 1/some water with 30 spreads of fragrance. Shake the two together in a shower bottle. Next blend in cream and cleanser. While doing this say: ''I utilize these things to make me lovely, let (addition name of pound here) relize that I am really from various perspectives.'' Put aside. Presently take one bit of string and say: ''let this string speak to my dejected soul.'' Get the other string and say: let this bit of string speak to the wonderful soul of (supplement name of squash here). Tie the strings In a tangle and abandon them in the fragrance. Put on the lipstick and kiss the flower petal. Place the flower petal in the scent. Presently put the adornments in the aroma and let it sit for 5 mins. Wear the gems and aroma when you see your pound and he will be pulled in to you!

Aconitine in a plant of the family of the ranuculaceas, which is widespread among the wizards of the age average as a poison. It was widely used by sorcerers in potions and ointments that provoked strong hallucinations drank it who or applied it is.

Its use was very common during the Sabbaths, and on many hidden books we find it mentioned. Its use has not extended its danger and I do not advise your application unless it is properly trained in occult sciences


Black magic spell to cause a sharp pain

Warning: this article speaks of a spell of black magic and as you know this magic is very dangerous. It should only be used by experienced mages. I published it for sake of my readers, but ask you to not try to do it.

The first step to perform this spell is to collect rainwater.

We must write with black ink, the name of the person in a role. This paper should be immersed completely in the water.

Seven nails placed in the water. Finally, replace everything so it will freeze and become ice.

The spell will last as long as stay made ice rain water.

Spell of the domineering virtue

This is a powerful spell that has a curious history: halle it annotated in the margin of the "Grimoire du Armadelle", in an edition of the 18th century which I bought in Bruxes, Belgium. I don't know which dates are the annotations. I know that they are in French, with some words that seem to be of Gypsy origin.
I transcribe the spell to our language.

You require:
• Cloth or fabric (by seen of the "burlap" type)
• Seeds
• Blood

You should make a Ragdoll. It must be strong, and not very large. Place seeds in a bowl, sprinkle them with blood, and then fill the Ragdoll with these seeds.
The doll should be buried at the home who we dominaremos, in a hidden place. When you begin to give sprouts, that person will be under our power.

The text says:
"Le pouvoir de Baal Fagor n' PAS of limits Mechantes aquels that is nier son pouvoir"

Pregnancies caused by contacts with the devil

In Demonology, this topic is one of the most frequent and debated by all the Warlocks, witches and demonologos.

Although some novels, such as the Satanic "Rosemary baby" have banalised theme, it is not surprising that it still persists in society the dark memories of incubos utilized by Satan in the belly of unwary maidens, used as a means to regenerate the evil on Earth.

But the scholars prefer to consult the ancient sages before that let us take films or urban myths. An example is the ancient book hammer of witches (Malleus Maleficarum), published in Cologne in 1486, written by Jakob Spenger and Heirinch Kramer. There we can read:

"There are cases in which the women believe have conceived of an Incubus; their bellies become bulky, but when comes the time of the third stage of swelling disappears, because giving in their drinks spurge or black pine seeds, large volume of air that the demon refuses, leaving it"
There are many spells (some troops and others not so) to conjure spells that throw against us or our loved ones inside the red magic. It is important that we know how to discover them and to prevent these attacks quickly.

Among the characteristic symptoms of witchcraft, the most common are:
• headache
• unexpected fatigue
• bad sleep
• bad luck
• yawns
• sudden problems at home or at work
• bad sales

Many people attributed these problems to external reasons, without noticing that they arose from nowhere and without any explanation. These people, many times, don't know or don't want to see that they are victims of a spell.
We must be attentive to the presentation of any of these symptoms in our lives or in the of those who surround us, and always carry out the contraconjuros necessary to keep us protected.

I hope these tips serve, my blessings

Amira Asmodea

Strong Love Spell - the Major Power of love

1. Go to a smooth room where you won?t be bothered and lay out your materials.

2. Hold the flame in your projective (overwhelming) hand, and quickly envision what you need. Strained the muscles in your arm (building up your vitality) and the unwind (discharging you vitality into the candle [this is accusing the light of the customs intentions])

3. Light the flame. Let the candles smell fill your lungs, feel the vitality the flame has discharged.

4. See the vitality traveling through and around you (close your eyes and picture it)

5. When you feel an association say in any event twice:

Smoldering candle convey to me

The persisting affection I look for

(these next few lines are utilized to

depict the sort of individual your searching for)

6. Picture your new love there with you. Feel the candles vitality come to fruition and encompass you like a warm grasp. Envision them whispering kind things in your ear. Truly feel their vicinity. Spend around five minutes in profound considered them and what it might be want to be with them.

7. Presently get the ring in one hand and hold the flame in your other.

8. Yet again feel the candles vitality streaming into you; then give it a chance to stream into the ring as you are doing this say (serenade):

Into this ring

I pour this vitality

In doing as such I call to be

This (wo)man I need with me

9. spend a couple of minutes simply letting the vitality stream from the candle, to you, then into the ring. When you feel just as you are done put the ring on and forget about it and the custom. Let the enchantment produce results.

Note: You ought to take the ring off to rest and shower or bathe. This custom can likewise be performed with whatever other bit of adornments.

The magical properties of salt in White Magic

In this brief article I will discuss the general use of salt in traditional magic.

Formerly the salt was used as a product of Exchange and associated it, since ancient times, the God mercury and trade. But another important use of salt, perhaps the most famous, was the sterilization and food preservation. That is why the majority of spells, meets any of these roles.

White magic, salt is often symbolize a perimeter (a circle, a star) within which will make our spell, charm or work. The elements that make up the work should be placed inside the perimeter made with salt since it guarantees its protection.

In black magic, the salt is used to invoke spirits, demons, and ghosts, since with it a kind of 'cage' can be done to contain them. The most common of these practices is the making of a star of salt in the soil, on the threshold of a door, with an open toe. The demon will come by that point but will not find the exit. This method is used by Doctor Faustus to invoke Satan.

Many others are the utilities of salt in witchcraft, as you will see soon in another article


Two rituals with candles to subdue a person and for separates a couple


Take a plastic sail and write using a stick the full name of the person who wants to dominate, bottom up. Then sail above should rub down with Holy oil, all this should be with the right hand.

Place the candle in a dish and pour over the same sawdust powder and dry leaves. With the leftovers make a circle around the candle.

Say 7 wishes aloud in relationship to the person to light the candle using a match.
After consumption, save the remains 7 days in aluminum foil and place it in a safe place.


Write with point or stick a candle in the name of one of the people who wish to separate, and in another name the other candle. Rub with oil and let stand 24 hours.
Place seven pins around each candle. Light two candles on separate dishes. After an hour separating them until the end of the table where you click the ritual and leave are all used up.
While consumed, reciting:

"Eternal goddess
Supreme goddess
The two that you named
Is desunan without penalty"
The remains are wrapped with a cloth of yellow, making a package with 7 knots of Ribbon. Everything is buried away from the House.

Blessings, Amira Asmodea

Power of the blood in the red magic and spells

A while ago I was talking to a beloved student that I consulted on the power of the blood of the red magic spells. I had the following, which seems opportune to publish:

It uses all red magic spells, one or another way, biological material of the person want to affect, whether for good as for evil. They may be hair, nails, etc., but of all the most precious is the blood. A spell made out of a few simple drops of blood can be powerful.

An example of this power is performed spells to negotiate an agreement, mixing the blood of the two Contracting Parties. The gravitation of bloods mix is so intense that the link produced by it is almost unbreakable.

Of course this leads to a conclusion that naturally arises: all red magic spells, and above all which concern human blood, should be practiced with care since the result may be unexpected, and fatal.

I hope that they reflect this before attempting a spell

My blessings, Amira

The eclectic initiation into Wicca

The time of initiation is one of the most important for all those who want to explore the Wiccan path. It will not be started in a coven does not mean that you're not wicca, you can make an autoiniciacion with full reason, willing to accept the gifts that the goddess and the God they offer. You must take into account that this instant is more than a baptism of love, what you find in your heart a magic name with which you will be called within the magic sphere. This name is not it must disclose to anyone, you should only use it within the circle. We must prepare a time before performing the ritual, and we arrive at the time of the ritual with a mind fully open, free of any concern with the body clean.

It is ideal to take a warm bath before the rite, some essential oil can be used to perfume the body and a little salt to clean it from any negative influence. While you bathe you, tries to forget your troubles and anxieties and thinks about the step you're going to, what are your expectations and above all, thinks jealously in the laws and if you are willing to follow them. After this, you can put a comfortable clothing, better if it is of natural fibres, and sit somewhere quiet where you do not disrupt. You must meditate at least half an hour to thoroughly clean your mind and have your body and your mind to the rite. After this preparation, go to the place chosen for your Rite; This must be solitary and quiet, in the forest, in a park or in a garden, the main thing that anyone distract you and that you feel comfortable. You can carry candles, incense and if you have, you can use a small tape recorder with gentle and pleasant music. You must also bring a small bottle of essential oil, a drink and a little wine. Now take a deep breath, feel your body is filled with air, as cleanses it and fortifies it. You can lie down or sit down, what is to your liking. If you take candles or incense turn it on, put the music and get carried away by the tapping sounds, if you don't have music, listening carefully to the sounds to your around. Then you can say this simple invocation, or any that you have prepared for this moment. "My lady, my Lord, invoke his presence in this place, which I have chosen to dedicate myself to you by my own will. I am a mortal among mortals seeking to cross the ancient paths, serving them with perfect love and perfect trust. My words are true and my heart is open to their designs. Now concentrate on the feelings, get in touch with the Earth and feel their vibrations, feel the air to your around, feeling the moisture in the atmosphere and feel the intense heat of your heart filling you with life, is the presence of elements that welcomes you to the Magic Kingdom. Once you're in contact with your elemental essence ready to devote your life to the Lord and Lady. "I am the son of the divine essence of the gods and today accept the divinity that inhabits in my." I feel in my being the presence of his power and I want the day today to be part of yours. I surrender to you Lady, I surrender to you great Lord, do of my an instrument their designs, I am his part and today wakes up in my new power which had refused. I am one with you and you are one with me. At this time your body should be a large receiving antenna and receive all kinds of vibration to your around, power boil in your body. You can hear voices or see things that have no apparent explanation, it is the gift of the gods; If you don't feel it, don't worry, this will come with time. Take the oil and spread a little on the index finger of your right hand, mark the symbol of the Lord and Lady in your face while you say: "my mind is open to the truth" then makes the symbols on your lips and say: "that my mouth keep quiet fools and unbelievers" then makes the symbols in your heart as you say: "That my heart is clean and without disruption" makes the symbols in the palms of your hands. Here you can use your two hands, and say: "my hands are good tools and truth" finally makes the emblems on the side of above your feet and say: "my feet always anden secret trails" once you have proclaimed you raises your hands while you express: "today I've devoted to his service as Warlock and priest that leave you see before you my name, ... (magical name). This is logo of eternal affinity between the human and the divine. "Great lady, you pay honor, Great Lord, you pay honor" stay one while longer in this place, enjoying what surrounds you, sounds, scent, something that is not surprising is the fact some animals you bring, these, regardless of whatever will not do you harm, they are there to honor you by having you started, it is a unique and beautiful experience. Perhaps you hear voices, steps or see some things that you can not explain, is only friendly and enjoy it, they are all gifts and blessings of the Lord and Lady. Now take the wine lift it and tell: "Consecrate this wine to the Lord and Lady, that this celebration never ends, that my heart keeps it as an eternal reminder of this day." Dropped a few drops of wine in the land as a gift to the elementary and baby a good drink... you deserve it. After that you can pick up everything, remember to leave this place as you found it and your House celebrates in a special way... is your day!
After this you can consider yourself started, part of the Lord and Lady... Blessed be!

Spell for loyalty and eternal love

Make the zodiac oil. Blend all the fixings with water in one holder.

Strain out the herbs and pour into the other holder.

Presently, anoint yourself with the oil consistently and huge numbers of your inverse sexual orientation will ask you out and stay faithful to you!

I make the zodiac oils from an alternate spell, and joined Leo (for loyalty) and Taurus (for love).

Secret of the stone magnet in witchery and magic

Is not the same to an iron magnet than the magnet stone.Magnetism has been known for a long time and became popular as many other peculiarities of nature through stories and legends.Magnetite is endless, but it is one of the pastors more true is that of Magnus, who say that when I was with his flock in the mountains, a mysterious force took out her cane tipped iron to a rock.The pull was so strong that the stick was attached to the rock and could not separate.Another common myth is that of the island of Mount magnet with great intensity to all vessels passing nearby, to break traps and destroys all metallic elements.

This amulet comes from organic roots of the land and carries the natural magnetic charge themselves.
This magic tool has been used in a variety of occult traditions of high power and energy.With it promotes our personal magnetism.With the can eliminate shyness before the public or increase our income.Simply make a request in writing and place over the magnet with iron filings, light a candle and read aloud to the stone.
Now I will give you how to prepare and use the magnet according to the book "Treasure".

Is required: A magnet1 blessed salt1. water blessed1 presentation of silver1 presentation of gold1 presentation of copper1 iron filings1 bottle
A bit of Red coral
2 red candles
Turns on the two red candles and placed the box between the two sails, salt is cast on the magnet and gets into holy water while reciting:

"Stone magnet, I baptize you with the name of God the father and the son of God. Stone you are and will be and will make my fortune and luck."

Then you put the magnet inside the box and as you spray on the filings of gold, silver, copper, wheat and the coral is recited:

"wonderful and charming magnet who walked with the Samaritan woman, to whom luck, beauty, and the man gave, "" I'll put my treasure of gold, silver to my house for the copper, the poor, corals that will be the envy and evil, and wheat to bring me to my partner that I say"
