There are many spells (some troops and others not so) to conjure spells that throw against us or our loved ones inside the red magic. It is important that we know how to discover them and to prevent these attacks quickly.

Among the characteristic symptoms of witchcraft, the most common are:
• headache
• unexpected fatigue
• bad sleep
• bad luck
• yawns
• sudden problems at home or at work
• bad sales

Many people attributed these problems to external reasons, without noticing that they arose from nowhere and without any explanation. These people, many times, don't know or don't want to see that they are victims of a spell.
We must be attentive to the presentation of any of these symptoms in our lives or in the of those who surround us, and always carry out the contraconjuros necessary to keep us protected.

I hope these tips serve, my blessings

Amira Asmodea