There are many people who they have raised questions whether it is Activate the talismans or amulets and how do it, here is a way to go.
Some amulets have your own manual and in this case you must follow, for those who do nothere they are some guidelines:
Each charm contains certain properties that is transmitted to the user. But since is on the thought of great energy strength, it is always recommended to customize the talisman.
The steps to customize a charm are as follows:

1. - Light a candle (requesting that the ceiling light I enlighten below). If you wish, you can also burn a little incense.

2. - Take the amulet in his hands.

3. - Prayer of the Lord (or any prayer with which we are familiar )).

4. - To the asked (which is consistent with the possibilities of that the amulet), for example: thanks to attract prosperity in my life (in the case referred to an amulet that brings prosperity )).

5. - Give thank you.

6. - Prayer of the Lord to close another work.

In this way you will have already their talisman staff. It would be interesting after 15 days, repeat the operation, after having put the talisman in the Sun for 3 hours for reactivate.
