This incantation, of Eastern origin, is very used by the powerful Magi of Persia for the subjugation of his servants and followers. It should be done in the month of Ramadan, and its success depends on the amount of hair used.
They are required:
• A small glass bottle
• Nail the person to bow
• Some myrrh
• Cinnamon
• Black belts
First of all, we must swim to clear all traces of impurities from our body.
We must place inside the bottle the nails of who we want to bend, myrrh and cinnamon, and cover the bottle with safety.
This is done, let stand overnight.
Finally, tie the bottle with black ribbons and buried in a safe place. In the place where the bottle buried we urinate, with care of that rust will not dig up part of the bottle.
This spell is effective but the steps must be followed exactly or otherwise can cause damage to whom we want to dominate.
This is another method that can be used as a defense to protect us from the dark entities.
When the magic circle is created and closed it can never be opened and nor transferred by any entity, by powerful to be.
Not all entities can tear the magic circle.
You can create the magic circle every night a little before going to sleep, every time that we want to make a practice of astral introspection, reflection, concentration, etc.
To make the most efficient circle is always good, before drawing it, the spell of Belilin (not to mention repeated it several times.)
In this way we will be making sure that the atmosphere will be "clean" when to be drawn.
It can be drawn around the bed in which we slept, around the room, etc.
To make the magic circle will request to our inner father (which is the Real self, the Individual master of every human being) for that command to the elemental intercessor so this draw the magic circle around the place we want to be protected.
This request should be repeated 3 times, and whenever we ask will have to imagine the elemental intercessor tracing around the place we want to.
Due to our psychological state elementary intercessor does not obey us, and is therefore that we should ask Real being so this order you to draw the magic circle.
When the magic circle is created and closed it can never be opened and nor transferred by any entity, by powerful to be.
Not all entities can tear the magic circle.
You can create the magic circle every night a little before going to sleep, every time that we want to make a practice of astral introspection, reflection, concentration, etc.
To make the most efficient circle is always good, before drawing it, the spell of Belilin (not to mention repeated it several times.)
In this way we will be making sure that the atmosphere will be "clean" when to be drawn.
It can be drawn around the bed in which we slept, around the room, etc.
To make the magic circle will request to our inner father (which is the Real self, the Individual master of every human being) for that command to the elemental intercessor so this draw the magic circle around the place we want to be protected.
This request should be repeated 3 times, and whenever we ask will have to imagine the elemental intercessor tracing around the place we want to.
Due to our psychological state elementary intercessor does not obey us, and is therefore that we should ask Real being so this order you to draw the magic circle.
I wrote a dear friend told me a problem you experienced, and asking for a spell to make a revenge. Now that is not something that pleases me, and public asking that it be used with great care.
With this spell that we prepare now, can come of who has made us an evil. The same must make is, of be possible and for greater effectiveness, the day following of having been received the tort.
You need:
• The leg of an animal (can be chicken or pork)
• Alcohol
• A cloth red
• A piece of wood, mainly quebracho
• A dagger
To make this simple spell, is necessary, in first place, place the piece of quebracho in the soil. Then is takes the cloth red, is soaked in alcohol, and with this same cloth is wrapped the leg of the animal selected. Then be placed on the quebracho.
Then, there is that kneeling is next to the wood and take the dagger with both hands, reciting:
"Your..." (name of the person) that I caused damage
You will pay your boldness with blood,
As well as our Lord paid with her own,
Pay with suffering in your body,
As well as our Lord suffered in the yours,
You pay and you will regret of your actions,
As well as our Lord has repented,
I call upon Azazel the miraculous,
So not left unpunished and his warning
"You do hear between them dead"
Immediately is riveting the dagger in her leg.
Then, is should pin fire the cloth and the pata (carefully of not burn us with the alcohol) and leave that this is eat together with the quebracho until are only ashes.
Very effective.
With this spell that we prepare now, can come of who has made us an evil. The same must make is, of be possible and for greater effectiveness, the day following of having been received the tort.
You need:
• The leg of an animal (can be chicken or pork)
• Alcohol
• A cloth red
• A piece of wood, mainly quebracho
• A dagger
To make this simple spell, is necessary, in first place, place the piece of quebracho in the soil. Then is takes the cloth red, is soaked in alcohol, and with this same cloth is wrapped the leg of the animal selected. Then be placed on the quebracho.
Then, there is that kneeling is next to the wood and take the dagger with both hands, reciting:
"Your..." (name of the person) that I caused damage
You will pay your boldness with blood,
As well as our Lord paid with her own,
Pay with suffering in your body,
As well as our Lord suffered in the yours,
You pay and you will regret of your actions,
As well as our Lord has repented,
I call upon Azazel the miraculous,
So not left unpunished and his warning
"You do hear between them dead"
Immediately is riveting the dagger in her leg.
Then, is should pin fire the cloth and the pata (carefully of not burn us with the alcohol) and leave that this is eat together with the quebracho until are only ashes.
Very effective.
Take a turn on intimate he or she and the other his. Tie them securely with a golden thread.In a bowl pour rainwater with three drops of honey and placing garments there. Leave them for a day. Then remove them and say: I link your feelings to my feelings, ligo your heart my heart, ligo your desire to my desire, ligo your life to my life. You work is clamped from today until the end of my days.
Place them three days and three nights in the light of the moon. Throw the water for the toilet. Remove the garment and use yours every time they are together.
This tie will take place the first week of the month, starting on a Monday and using nine red candles, one per day.Sign the name of the person to seduce the wax. Spread with almond oil to unleash love vibration.
Turn on the flame and to pronounce:
"Come to my (say his name) and chained to this call." Feel the fire of passion and the divine flame that originates from your love. "I do that you a your thinking with me so that together continue on the same path."
Let the candle is consumed completely. Gather the remains in a bag and upon completion of the nine days, throw it at the door of your lover or at the foot of his bed. At the time that the touch will be moored.
Crescent Moon and without anyone knowing it, prepare the following dust:Mix 100 grams of nutmeg, ginger 100 and the dust a dozen dried and crushed amaranth leaves stir everything until you get a uniform mixture.
Add few drops of saliva. It will help to energize more spell.
Mix everything and take the dust in your hands as you say: "I beg your love, I pray your soul, I pray your whole being so only you remain my devotee".
Whenever you need it, put a pinch on the clothes of your partner. The results will be immediate.
My blessings, Amira Asmodea

Just then we can be in the proper State to perform the required work without fear of being interfered with by internal tensions that hinder our actions.
Thrown your circle in your throwing space (throwing a circle is discretionary). Place your pentacle in the focal point of your circle (in the event that you have a pentacle). Place the flame in the inside of the pentacle (on the off chance that you dont have a pentacle then place the light of the circle). Light the flame. While lighting the candles say: As the candles light, Make my heart burst and sparkle, To bring the adoration that will be mine, Memories of our affection might unite, Our hearts should be bound together, enamored we should stay everlastingly, You might return to me, Fire from underneath, bring me adore that I do know, No opposite or curse, So bit it be, Take your paper, (ideally a duplicate of a photograph of the adored one in light of the fact that you will smoldering it and compose on the posterior of the duplicated photograph), and compose what you wish or need on it with the pen. Presently sit before the fire and think about what it is you crave. Envision it springing up, let the feelings of satisfaction that would result if your wish was allowed fill your being, and picture the vitality inside you swell up out of you.. At the same time say: I conjure thee Goodness Master God Maker of the sky and the earth, Father of all, Ruler and Guardian angel Hear my supplication, Make the majority of my tries productive and all negative things unbiased, Make fruitful the greater part of my workings, and let my life be lived once more! Stipend this wish I wish today, I wish I may, I wish I may, Give this wish I wish this evening. At that point say what it is you wish for, clarify it emphatically. When you are carried out clarifying, imagine it showing. You must utilize the sharp protest cut yourself. Make the cut or prick on the ring finger on your left hand. (Doesnt need to be too profound, simply enough for you to drain enough) Once you are dying, verify the blood drops over your wish and say: The agony of this injury, Should reflect unto thee, And the affection borne of it, Might come unto me, As I will it, so bit it be, Stream like a waterway, Stream from my skin, soaked in red from inside, This blood present I do make, to get what I need from my wish Then verify the draining stops after the wish is secured totally. At that point say: God-like God, hear my petition to God! Ruler of flame, blaze my craving, times three In the event that it is intended to be, Convey *name* back to me. I summon the law of 3 what used to be lost comes back to me, I gave my adoration my heart to see, I have given love now I get, I give love, I get love, I give love, I get love. Example of piety Anthony discover my adoration for me, Return affection to me 3*3! This is my will, by the force of three, By the Force of the Father, the Child, and the Sacred Apparition This is my wish, so given it a chance to be carried out! When you are carried out think about your wish some more. After you are carried out, then smolder the photograph (blaze the photograph over the dark candle) and victory the flame. Expel your circle from spot, store your pentacle and light where ever it is you decide to. Cover the fiery remains (ideally at the base of the tree) or scramble them over the ground, anyplace will work. While covering or disseminating the fiery debris, say: SO Bit IT BE!
*Be beyond any doubt to sanitize and spread your wound.*
And afterward you are totally done. Appreciate. - -
*Be beyond any doubt to sanitize and spread your wound.*
And afterward you are totally done. Appreciate. - -
Extra help to ward off foods that harm us and the temptations.
First, get:
-A handful of salt.
-A quartz crystal.
-A green candle.
"Inner goddess,
Outdoor goddess,
guide me to my end,
calms my hunger,
strengthens my spirit,
Lifting the glass over your head with both hands, you focus on all the negative aspects of your effort (hunger, temptations and traps), placed those thoughts one by one inside the Crystal, pass it on to it with your hands. When you feel purified / or shut down the candle.
Place the glass near a window overnight. In the morning, pick up the glass and put it in a place where you can take it with you everywhere. Touch it whenever you feel tempted to eat and remembers the spell.
The best time to do it is a clear night, three days after the full moon.
First, get:
-A handful of salt.
-A quartz crystal.
-A green candle.
Instructions to make this spell:
Make a circle of salt. Inside sit and meditate, concentrating on all the positive things that happen when you lose weight (health, strength, new clothes). When you are ready, turn the Green candle and write say:"Inner goddess,
Outdoor goddess,
guide me to my end,
calms my hunger,
strengthens my spirit,
Lifting the glass over your head with both hands, you focus on all the negative aspects of your effort (hunger, temptations and traps), placed those thoughts one by one inside the Crystal, pass it on to it with your hands. When you feel purified / or shut down the candle.
Place the glass near a window overnight. In the morning, pick up the glass and put it in a place where you can take it with you everywhere. Touch it whenever you feel tempted to eat and remembers the spell.
The best time to do it is a clear night, three days after the full moon.
Make a slight cut in the middle of an onion, fill it with drops of saliva, with a small magnet and poppy seeds.Subtly wrap in aluminum foil and burying it in a pot. Then say: today I correspond, captive and loving, serene and unconditional. For my will be and no one more anhelarás.
When the first shoots sprout, the love will grow. It will be solid, and safe to the plant to thrive.
So the magical result is even more powerful, I recommend daily watering the onion with holy water.
Ask your partner a handkerchief or a piece of personal use. Wet the garment with tears to moisten.Make two knots strong well and leave it overnight in an infusion of cinnamon and vinegar. Put it under your bed, on the side where you don't sleep.
Then, dry outdoors, untie the knots and cry out in a loud voice: "With the force of this charm, attract your love so we live together until I resolve".
Finally, give it. The berth will be fulfilled.
Take a photo of yourself and another of the desired person. Glue them so that they are facing each other, i.e. looking face to face.Place them on a plate and cover with a little musk essential oil. The next day, go to a discovered site and burn the photos inside a metal container. When the doing, repeat in a low voice: "sacred love, cherished love, closer to my and you never turn from my side." Fill me in joy and happiness. "Surrender now so only I can be who you love".
The sabbats dates vary each year, but usually take place within the three days that I describe below. There are also variations in the names of the Sabbats. Below are the most common:
Samhain, October 31st
Samhain marks the end of the year wicca and the birth of a new one. It is the occasion to commemorate the ancestors, at the same time, the veil between the two worlds is milder.
Imbolic, 2 February
Imbolic is the end of the (Northern Hemisphere) spring. Imbolic, the goddess is the Virgin Bride returning to Earth. Imbolic literally means "in the womb" in Gaelic, and represents the awakening of life.
Beltane, may 1
Beltane is by far the holiday with more magic of the wheel of the year. It is the Sabbat calls to celebrate the magic, joy and fertility, and by the blessing of unions.
Lughnasadh, 1 August
Its name comes from the Warrior son of the Sun, Lugo, is a festival that is usually close deals, conclude what started, play and celebrate.
These are the main festivals of the wicca religion. I hope you make it guide all those who are thinking of starting to walk the Wiccan path, a noble religion that every day is more and more followers.
As a final comment, I tell them that many years ago, he visited me at my office a lady, who had studied many years the wicca religion and had toured England, Scotland and Ireland in search of the remains of this religion. I remember that she sat opposite me, with peace and serenity which tend to radiate the Warlocks wicca. I asked him what it felt to visit old dolmens Celts, the homeland of Mother goddess. He just smiled and said "all the Earth is the homeland of the goddess, every living being is of the goddess".
I always remember these words. Only two times I went back to see this woman. He spoke little and nothing, but when he did, everyone did suddenly silence and listened to her because her words were left floating in the air, full of wisdom.
Amira Asmodea
Samhain, October 31st
Samhain marks the end of the year wicca and the birth of a new one. It is the occasion to commemorate the ancestors, at the same time, the veil between the two worlds is milder.
Imbolic, 2 February
Imbolic is the end of the (Northern Hemisphere) spring. Imbolic, the goddess is the Virgin Bride returning to Earth. Imbolic literally means "in the womb" in Gaelic, and represents the awakening of life.
Beltane, may 1
Beltane is by far the holiday with more magic of the wheel of the year. It is the Sabbat calls to celebrate the magic, joy and fertility, and by the blessing of unions.
Lughnasadh, 1 August
Its name comes from the Warrior son of the Sun, Lugo, is a festival that is usually close deals, conclude what started, play and celebrate.
These are the main festivals of the wicca religion. I hope you make it guide all those who are thinking of starting to walk the Wiccan path, a noble religion that every day is more and more followers.
As a final comment, I tell them that many years ago, he visited me at my office a lady, who had studied many years the wicca religion and had toured England, Scotland and Ireland in search of the remains of this religion. I remember that she sat opposite me, with peace and serenity which tend to radiate the Warlocks wicca. I asked him what it felt to visit old dolmens Celts, the homeland of Mother goddess. He just smiled and said "all the Earth is the homeland of the goddess, every living being is of the goddess".
I always remember these words. Only two times I went back to see this woman. He spoke little and nothing, but when he did, everyone did suddenly silence and listened to her because her words were left floating in the air, full of wisdom.
Amira Asmodea
This is the spell most used by the followers of the red magic to subdue the spirits of his victims. It is simple, durable, and very effective, provided that it is applied with correction. Perhaps you should practice a few times to master it.
They are required:
• Spoon
• 6 drops of blood of an animal
• 6 drops of holy water
• 6 drops saliva
• Sulphur
• A red candle
• Paper and pencil
The spoon is taken with the left hand, is placed over it a bit of sulfur, the drops of blood, saliva and water vendita.
Spoon takes over the fire of the Red candle and leave awhile until mixture becomes dark.
Separately, write down the following prayer:
"By your grace and your power
Great Orpheus inhabitant of the deep Earth
You returned from the dead to bring us your gifts
I ask that you enter the soul of... (name of person)
You doblegues your desires and submit to my will
Great Orpheus inhabitant of the deep Earth
Give me the power to dominate it
Give me the power to submit it
Holding your journey to my will
I give this offering as a sign of praise
Then, take a pen and signed the paper using ink preparation we did at the beginning.
Save the role a safe place, away from the sight of prying eyes.
Note: the spell is to be more effective, I put it under a stone of quartz, by its energy value and concentrating power properties.
They are required:
• Spoon
• 6 drops of blood of an animal
• 6 drops of holy water
• 6 drops saliva
• Sulphur
• A red candle
• Paper and pencil
The spoon is taken with the left hand, is placed over it a bit of sulfur, the drops of blood, saliva and water vendita.
Spoon takes over the fire of the Red candle and leave awhile until mixture becomes dark.
Separately, write down the following prayer:
"By your grace and your power
Great Orpheus inhabitant of the deep Earth
You returned from the dead to bring us your gifts
I ask that you enter the soul of... (name of person)
You doblegues your desires and submit to my will
Great Orpheus inhabitant of the deep Earth
Give me the power to dominate it
Give me the power to submit it
Holding your journey to my will
I give this offering as a sign of praise
Then, take a pen and signed the paper using ink preparation we did at the beginning.
Save the role a safe place, away from the sight of prying eyes.
Note: the spell is to be more effective, I put it under a stone of quartz, by its energy value and concentrating power properties.
"Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful?"
remember the witch from snow white's question?
Since time immemorial, witches, sorcerers and wizards have generally used mirrors, honing metals and water sources that reflect, to predict the future. Even snow white witch uses it. What is an omen? It is the vision of a fact of the future, the present or the past, sent by spirits of another plane existential, concentrating within objects look like a mirror. Mirrors that have the power necessary to reflect these views are called mirrors black.
As we said before, blacks mirrors are not the only way to be an omen, also used sources of water, balls of glass, shiny metal, etc.
Of all the methods omen, which I prefer and gave me better results, it is the black mirror. They usually have a great magical power, although it shall not abuse them so they don't lose it and give them time to replenish their energies. It is also vital strength and concentration with the wizard or witch who uses it, and the practice that has to read in the mirror.
The black mirror becomes, for the magician expert in the window to the universe and the spiritual world. It can give you the vision of past lives or of facts that are about to occur. You can give you answers to questions you have, or show you a guide to entering the world of the most there.
They must understand, my readers, that the omen takes a bit of practice to begin to develop it.
Astral Vision
What is an Astral vision? It is the ability to see inside the Astral planes in a black mirror. For some people, who are naturally inclined to possess this gift, it can be normal and easy. For others, it can take months to reach a vision. Clean the mind and achieve a clear concentration is vital to achieve the vision.
It can be used for many purposes in the magical divination. For those willing to study high magic, you should know that the black mirror is used in the "triangle of Solomon" to exorcise the demon or celestial bodies. Spirits are not manifested in its physical form, but as a vision in the mirror that the sorcerer is able to recognize in the astral plane thanks to the black mirror.
It is important: many newbies will not see the spirits or see them by a fraction of a second, or "believe to see it". It is difficult to have the powers necessary to obtain a clear and lasting vision of the spirit, and only can be achieved with serious and constant practice. Those who just begin, I recommend spending a good time (between half an hour and now) meditating with staring in the mirror, and your mind clear.
I recommend them to have patience with the black mirrors. The art of divination is hard, but not impossible.
remember the witch from snow white's question?
Since time immemorial, witches, sorcerers and wizards have generally used mirrors, honing metals and water sources that reflect, to predict the future. Even snow white witch uses it. What is an omen? It is the vision of a fact of the future, the present or the past, sent by spirits of another plane existential, concentrating within objects look like a mirror. Mirrors that have the power necessary to reflect these views are called mirrors black.
As we said before, blacks mirrors are not the only way to be an omen, also used sources of water, balls of glass, shiny metal, etc.
Of all the methods omen, which I prefer and gave me better results, it is the black mirror. They usually have a great magical power, although it shall not abuse them so they don't lose it and give them time to replenish their energies. It is also vital strength and concentration with the wizard or witch who uses it, and the practice that has to read in the mirror.
The black mirror becomes, for the magician expert in the window to the universe and the spiritual world. It can give you the vision of past lives or of facts that are about to occur. You can give you answers to questions you have, or show you a guide to entering the world of the most there.
They must understand, my readers, that the omen takes a bit of practice to begin to develop it.
Astral Vision
What is an Astral vision? It is the ability to see inside the Astral planes in a black mirror. For some people, who are naturally inclined to possess this gift, it can be normal and easy. For others, it can take months to reach a vision. Clean the mind and achieve a clear concentration is vital to achieve the vision.
It can be used for many purposes in the magical divination. For those willing to study high magic, you should know that the black mirror is used in the "triangle of Solomon" to exorcise the demon or celestial bodies. Spirits are not manifested in its physical form, but as a vision in the mirror that the sorcerer is able to recognize in the astral plane thanks to the black mirror.
It is important: many newbies will not see the spirits or see them by a fraction of a second, or "believe to see it". It is difficult to have the powers necessary to obtain a clear and lasting vision of the spirit, and only can be achieved with serious and constant practice. Those who just begin, I recommend spending a good time (between half an hour and now) meditating with staring in the mirror, and your mind clear.
I recommend them to have patience with the black mirrors. The art of divination is hard, but not impossible.
There are many people who they have raised questions whether it is Activate the talismans or amulets and how do it, here is a way to go.
Some amulets have your own manual and in this case you must follow, for those who do nothere they are some guidelines:
Each charm contains certain properties that is transmitted to the user. But since is on the thought of great energy strength, it is always recommended to customize the talisman.
The steps to customize a charm are as follows:
1. - Light a candle (requesting that the ceiling light I enlighten below). If you wish, you can also burn a little incense.
2. - Take the amulet in his hands.
3. - Prayer of the Lord (or any prayer with which we are familiar )).
4. - To the asked (which is consistent with the possibilities of that the amulet), for example: thanks to attract prosperity in my life (in the case referred to an amulet that brings prosperity )).
5. - Give thank you.
6. - Prayer of the Lord to close another work.
In this way you will have already their talisman staff. It would be interesting after 15 days, repeat the operation, after having put the talisman in the Sun for 3 hours for reactivate.
Some amulets have your own manual and in this case you must follow, for those who do nothere they are some guidelines:
Each charm contains certain properties that is transmitted to the user. But since is on the thought of great energy strength, it is always recommended to customize the talisman.
The steps to customize a charm are as follows:
1. - Light a candle (requesting that the ceiling light I enlighten below). If you wish, you can also burn a little incense.
2. - Take the amulet in his hands.
3. - Prayer of the Lord (or any prayer with which we are familiar )).
4. - To the asked (which is consistent with the possibilities of that the amulet), for example: thanks to attract prosperity in my life (in the case referred to an amulet that brings prosperity )).
5. - Give thank you.
6. - Prayer of the Lord to close another work.
In this way you will have already their talisman staff. It would be interesting after 15 days, repeat the operation, after having put the talisman in the Sun for 3 hours for reactivate.
In this short post we will talk about the relationship between fire and magic. Fire is used both in white magic and black magic. We must always be careful to do it in a safe place to not burn, nor poison us with carbon monoxide. Please, when they made the following rituals have much caution, is not suitable for children or much less be taken in jest!
"Fire that you are coming from within,
Give me the love I feel,
Get that my heart is cold,
That his heart is mine.
Fire that you are coming from within,
To come soon to meet me"
Meditate on the spell you just invoke and display it come true. Finally, it extinguishes the fire carefully.
He throws the paper to fire, saying this spell three times:
"Fire, fire you carry my cross"
Give your light to my path
Fire, fire of antiquity,
Illumine my darkness,
Fire, fire that you attract the death,
It burns my bad luck"
Then say this I adjure you, sit and concentrate on away bad luck and good luck to get in our way. Then extinguish fire with city.
These two spells are very useful, especially the second. I used them a few years ago to conjure a patient who had bad luck and some time's done, this person sent me a letter telling me how her life had changed.
If someone made them, it would be interesting to tell us if they gave result and if they had difficulties to perform them.
Fire spell to obtain love from a person...
At night, light a small fire in a secluded place. Cut a square piece of paper of about ten inches square. Draw a heart in it, and paint it red. Write the name of the person you want with the heart. While performing this operation, strongly think about the loved one. Think of your burning heart's desire as the flames of the campfire. Then, Kiss in the heart name three times. Then, throw paper into the fire saying these words with greater sincerity:"Fire that you are coming from within,
Give me the love I feel,
Get that my heart is cold,
That his heart is mine.
Fire that you are coming from within,
To come soon to meet me"
Meditate on the spell you just invoke and display it come true. Finally, it extinguishes the fire carefully.
To ward off bad luck
During the night light a small fire on a safe place. Write on a piece of paper the words bad luck. Then, write below any bad thing that has happened to you lately. Finally, draw a large cross on the paper with a permanent marker.He throws the paper to fire, saying this spell three times:
"Fire, fire you carry my cross"
Give your light to my path
Fire, fire of antiquity,
Illumine my darkness,
Fire, fire that you attract the death,
It burns my bad luck"
Then say this I adjure you, sit and concentrate on away bad luck and good luck to get in our way. Then extinguish fire with city.
These two spells are very useful, especially the second. I used them a few years ago to conjure a patient who had bad luck and some time's done, this person sent me a letter telling me how her life had changed.
If someone made them, it would be interesting to tell us if they gave result and if they had difficulties to perform them.

Garlic (Allium Sativum) has been used since ancient times as a talisman against evil. The ancient Egyptians believed in spirits which killed children while they slept snatching them breath, and most widely used protection against these murderous monsters was a string of garlic.
The use of garlic is known around the world, and not only for its taste, but also for their magical powers. Even in places like China or Malaysia, people rubbed on the hands of their children to protect them from the vampires. In the East of the India, garlic is used as protection against spells.
In ancient Rome , garlic was an extremely important weapon in the fight without truce against the spirits. The Romans used to eat garlic every day to protect themselves from evil, and that's one of the reasons why of spread rapidly throughout the Empire. It was also common that windows, doors, and up to the gates of the farms they rubbed with garlic. They firmly believed that evil spirits feel a great fear for the garlic. When a person died, it was common to insert cloves of garlic into the mouth of the dead to prevent evil spirits come into the body and return it a zombie. Another common funeral rite among the Romans was to rub the body, especially the feet, a mixture made of incense, oil and garlic.
In some cultures, the possessed are exorcizados with a necklace of garlic that are forced to load until they are cured.
Currently, medical studies say that eating a garlic pill every night produces an increase in the body's defenses, and lower cholesterol. Garlic is also antiseptic and fungicide.
With regard to the magic, garlic is an indispensable for all ally spells related to the protection and the removal of evil. You must not miss in a House that is getting bad vibes, and if you have a trade and it is filled with hate or misunderstanding, garlic is an effective talisman to correct these problems.
I hope to put into practice what I tell them. In my Office I had always hung a string of garlic and never went evil to it, always kept me immune to these problems. Now that I no longer have age to care for my patients, I choose this Blog to convey my magical knowledge and hope that many of my readers to understand and transmit these tips.
You would not believe the amount of people who send me emails and messages pridiendome with all reserve that will help them to identify sexually intercourse.
Many people keep dark sexual desires for Studio work, coworkers, neighbors and even cousins or in-laws.
I always repeat the same thing: the magic has a limit, we can awaken the desire to sleep, we can whip up a flame that is off, but we cannot force a person to do something if that person does not want to do, and with sex is perhaps the most applies this principle, spells are only useful when it comes to dispel doubts and ignite the desire.
Let us then our:
To perform the spell, it is necessary to prepare a container with rainwater. It will also be necessary to obtain an object of the desired person: can be an article of clothing, hair, even a servillete, but the more intimate best.
Place the water in the light of the full moon, and in the Center let drop the object that we have achieved (if it is an article of clothing, cut a little).
We sat against the vessel and recite:
"I know that your I want as I wish you,
do not hide your decision
surrender to my arms
that our fate is sealed"
Said these words, you take a handful of salt and espolvoreas it in circle in the container.
You must then take a piece of your clothing (can be shoes)
Repeat the previous sentence.
Then you return to take a handful of salt in the container, always in circles, and at the end return to take off an article of clothing.
Do this as many times as necessary until completely naked / to
We have come here to the crucial part of the spell: must close your eyes and think of the person you want, thinking too hard about it. Then sumerjes hands on rain water and begin to pass through your body, in each place where you want that you love him or her.
Do not open your eyes and concentrate on your request. When the water is beyond finished, dry yourself carefully, takes the object that you've placed in the container and bury it in a safe place.
In a short time your wish will become reality
My blessings
Many people keep dark sexual desires for Studio work, coworkers, neighbors and even cousins or in-laws.
I always repeat the same thing: the magic has a limit, we can awaken the desire to sleep, we can whip up a flame that is off, but we cannot force a person to do something if that person does not want to do, and with sex is perhaps the most applies this principle, spells are only useful when it comes to dispel doubts and ignite the desire.
Let us then our:
To perform the spell, it is necessary to prepare a container with rainwater. It will also be necessary to obtain an object of the desired person: can be an article of clothing, hair, even a servillete, but the more intimate best.
Place the water in the light of the full moon, and in the Center let drop the object that we have achieved (if it is an article of clothing, cut a little).
We sat against the vessel and recite:
"I know that your I want as I wish you,
do not hide your decision
surrender to my arms
that our fate is sealed"
Said these words, you take a handful of salt and espolvoreas it in circle in the container.
You must then take a piece of your clothing (can be shoes)
Repeat the previous sentence.
Then you return to take a handful of salt in the container, always in circles, and at the end return to take off an article of clothing.
Do this as many times as necessary until completely naked / to
We have come here to the crucial part of the spell: must close your eyes and think of the person you want, thinking too hard about it. Then sumerjes hands on rain water and begin to pass through your body, in each place where you want that you love him or her.
Do not open your eyes and concentrate on your request. When the water is beyond finished, dry yourself carefully, takes the object that you've placed in the container and bury it in a safe place.
In a short time your wish will become reality
My blessings
Money Spells. We all know that we are in times of crisis, in times of change. But that does not mean that everything goes wrong, can be, as you see, a good time to start a new project if we can prosecute our ideas. But of course, even though we have everything you need to start a good business, it is never others give you extra help with this talisman that will give us the energy missing us and attract money and luck to our business.
It must be this way:
First, place a (low-denomination) Bill on the table. In the middle of the ticket we will put a little salt, symbol of the money, and turn the ticket so that we have a small package. We must tie this package with a Gold Ribbon.
Once insertion, place seven coins around, and about each coin a green candle, a circle alrdedor of our charm.
We will then say:
"Lucky I accompany,
in my new adventure
that I don't miss the money,
bread, no luck,
my way will not deviate
win and gain"
Turn off a candle, and reciting the incantation, and then turn off other candle, and repeat it again, so once we said four times.
Finally, take the amulet, which will already be loaded, and put it in our business, in the place where we usually put the money (a piggy bank, safe, etc)
It is an amulet for prosperity and luck of very long lasting
My blessings
It must be this way:
First, place a (low-denomination) Bill on the table. In the middle of the ticket we will put a little salt, symbol of the money, and turn the ticket so that we have a small package. We must tie this package with a Gold Ribbon.
Once insertion, place seven coins around, and about each coin a green candle, a circle alrdedor of our charm.
We will then say:
"Lucky I accompany,
in my new adventure
that I don't miss the money,
bread, no luck,
my way will not deviate
win and gain"
Turn off a candle, and reciting the incantation, and then turn off other candle, and repeat it again, so once we said four times.
Finally, take the amulet, which will already be loaded, and put it in our business, in the place where we usually put the money (a piggy bank, safe, etc)
It is an amulet for prosperity and luck of very long lasting
My blessings
Although feathers are not particularly a common object in the realization of talismans, spells or spells, its vital power is strong and its multiple meanings.
Primitive cultures were very likely to use pens to do fetishes, spells, amulets and all sorts of adornments for their gods, due to its vital power, which in many cases is notorious.
Reviewing some birds who come to my memory, I recall some properties:
Peacock feathers: are extremely powerful. Turkey was once a sacred bird (in india continues to be so) and symbol of royalty. It was believed that the meat of the Turkey was incorruptible, and deemed it an immortal bird. It is all this that, for example, in medieval representations, the Angel Gabriel always has wings made of peacock feathers.
If we get one of these feathers keep it with care, since it can be useful in a spell where we need protection or health.
Another widely used pen is the feather of the cock, but with a completely different meaning: being the Rooster who sang before the betrayal of Judas, this animal is the quintessential linked to the devil, the evil and betrayal. In Faust, Goethe, the devil appears to the protagonist wearing a large hat with a feather of gallo. This is why that, if we got to get a cock feather, you can save it to perform black magic spells, which is commonly used.
I hope you have been useful
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
Primitive cultures were very likely to use pens to do fetishes, spells, amulets and all sorts of adornments for their gods, due to its vital power, which in many cases is notorious.
Reviewing some birds who come to my memory, I recall some properties:
Peacock feathers: are extremely powerful. Turkey was once a sacred bird (in india continues to be so) and symbol of royalty. It was believed that the meat of the Turkey was incorruptible, and deemed it an immortal bird. It is all this that, for example, in medieval representations, the Angel Gabriel always has wings made of peacock feathers.
If we get one of these feathers keep it with care, since it can be useful in a spell where we need protection or health.
Another widely used pen is the feather of the cock, but with a completely different meaning: being the Rooster who sang before the betrayal of Judas, this animal is the quintessential linked to the devil, the evil and betrayal. In Faust, Goethe, the devil appears to the protagonist wearing a large hat with a feather of gallo. This is why that, if we got to get a cock feather, you can save it to perform black magic spells, which is commonly used.
I hope you have been useful
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
Talisman for the first date, to succeed at your first meeting with what may be your great love
Author: Asmodea
It is common that during the first appointment we have fears, nerves and insecurities. That is why that I devised this talisman for those who want to collect forces at that time:
A cloth of red on the ground should be placed. This cloth must be cut in the shape of a circle.
On it we will post a paper, in which we write our fears with red ink. Example: "that something goes wrong", "not like this or that flaw", "not to satisfy".
This paper must be folded four times and placed in the center of the cloth. On the paper place a quartz stone.
Then, we will close the cloth and will attach it with a White Ribbon.
The next step is to get three red candles and three white sails, that we turn around the amulet, sandwiching a white and a red, a white and a red.
When we are ready, we will say:
"That positive energy cancelled my fears,
to dissipate the fear of my heart,
that my wishes come true"
Repeat 6 times, turning every time a candle.
When we are finished, we will take the talisman and will take you to our quotation, in the pocket or the purse.
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
A cloth of red on the ground should be placed. This cloth must be cut in the shape of a circle.
On it we will post a paper, in which we write our fears with red ink. Example: "that something goes wrong", "not like this or that flaw", "not to satisfy".
This paper must be folded four times and placed in the center of the cloth. On the paper place a quartz stone.
Then, we will close the cloth and will attach it with a White Ribbon.
The next step is to get three red candles and three white sails, that we turn around the amulet, sandwiching a white and a red, a white and a red.
When we are ready, we will say:
"That positive energy cancelled my fears,
to dissipate the fear of my heart,
that my wishes come true"
Repeat 6 times, turning every time a candle.
When we are finished, we will take the talisman and will take you to our quotation, in the pocket or the purse.
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
The next spell taught it me an old teacher many years ago, during a trip that I I undertook throughout Ireland learning the secrets of the Wicca, I will never forget.
The spell is simple, practical, and often have a good effect. After doing so it is normal for us to feel a bit of anxiety, but is for the loss of the love and the absence in our heart that produces this lack. It will quickly be healed and we will come back to find us with same us.
The steps to perform the spell are the following:
Take a paper or cardboard red and draw a heart. Then trim them to make it in this way.
On the front we will write our name and the name of the person from which we want to desenamorar us. Then, on the other side, write three reasons why we want this (for example, because we have been unfaithful, not respect us, etc.)
Now we will light a black candle and we will meditate on what you have written carefully. As we convensemos of written words and we review them with the mind, place the heart on the sail and go burning words, convinced of the truth of them.
When we are finished burning the words, we will keep the remains in a small box, which can be of wood or cardboard.
This box must be buried in a safe place for 10 days.
During these ten days, every day we spear in the ground where the box is a nail, so that after ten days can unearth the box next the ten nails, and our love will go to our heart always.
My blessings
The spell is simple, practical, and often have a good effect. After doing so it is normal for us to feel a bit of anxiety, but is for the loss of the love and the absence in our heart that produces this lack. It will quickly be healed and we will come back to find us with same us.
The steps to perform the spell are the following:
Take a paper or cardboard red and draw a heart. Then trim them to make it in this way.
On the front we will write our name and the name of the person from which we want to desenamorar us. Then, on the other side, write three reasons why we want this (for example, because we have been unfaithful, not respect us, etc.)
Now we will light a black candle and we will meditate on what you have written carefully. As we convensemos of written words and we review them with the mind, place the heart on the sail and go burning words, convinced of the truth of them.
When we are finished burning the words, we will keep the remains in a small box, which can be of wood or cardboard.
This box must be buried in a safe place for 10 days.
During these ten days, every day we spear in the ground where the box is a nail, so that after ten days can unearth the box next the ten nails, and our love will go to our heart always.
My blessings
If your work is not well and want to change it, or if you are unemployed and loves to get one, this ritual you can help get you are both looking for, but should follow it carefully and not to deviate from it so that it has effect.
First, you should get:
-A candle blue
-A golden candle
-a piece of a paper
-A photo of who need work
Although the spell can be performed at any time of the day, it is best to perform at midnight, in a quiet place where we do not disrupt.
To begin with, should be written in the role name and the surname of who need to get work (a family or oneself). Then concentrate and meditate on the way in which this will become a reality, trying to visualize the person working.
This should be done for about ten minutes. Then you must switch on Golden candle.
Then, focus on all the problems that have the person in the present work or that prevent you from getting one. Light the blue candle and place it on the paper with the name. Let fire burn and eat all the negative thoughts and all the problems.
If the ritual does not work, every 20 days or a month you can repeat the ritual twice more. Even you can continue to do so even if you've already achieved your purpose, because this recipe will give you strength so that everything goes better.
My blessings
First, you should get:
-A candle blue
-A golden candle
-a piece of a paper
-A photo of who need work
Although the spell can be performed at any time of the day, it is best to perform at midnight, in a quiet place where we do not disrupt.
To begin with, should be written in the role name and the surname of who need to get work (a family or oneself). Then concentrate and meditate on the way in which this will become a reality, trying to visualize the person working.
This should be done for about ten minutes. Then you must switch on Golden candle.
Then, focus on all the problems that have the person in the present work or that prevent you from getting one. Light the blue candle and place it on the paper with the name. Let fire burn and eat all the negative thoughts and all the problems.
If the ritual does not work, every 20 days or a month you can repeat the ritual twice more. Even you can continue to do so even if you've already achieved your purpose, because this recipe will give you strength so that everything goes better.
My blessings
Everyone relates to roses with love. And it is not incorrect, but magic has many other utilities and different meanings of agreement, namely its color.
Many ignore e.g. roses are one of the Marian symbols par excellence, and in many representations of the Virgin Mary appear, whether it's in your hands, on your mantle or around it.
Red Roses represent in this context Christ's blood and passion on it. The white roses, on the other hand, refer to purity and virginity of Mary, and it is common to find them next to her.
In other contexts, the red rose petals are used in spells where you want to awaken the passion of a person. They usually have a strong sex-related spells in power.
On the other hand, the white petals are widely used to produce help, care, purity, or healing, being especially used in union of couples and marriage spells by their relationship to brides.
The pink petals, the most common, invoke tender love, couple and family. Is in widespread use in the incantations and spells
Finally, petals yellow, much less used, mean reflection, thinking and concentration, and are useful in talismans and spells seeking concentration, intelligence or wisdom.
We should not forget, of course, the thorns of roses, used widely in sympathetic magic to produce scratches, marks, separations and cuts in relationships.
I hope to be useful this article
My blessings, Amira
Many ignore e.g. roses are one of the Marian symbols par excellence, and in many representations of the Virgin Mary appear, whether it's in your hands, on your mantle or around it.
Red Roses represent in this context Christ's blood and passion on it. The white roses, on the other hand, refer to purity and virginity of Mary, and it is common to find them next to her.
In other contexts, the red rose petals are used in spells where you want to awaken the passion of a person. They usually have a strong sex-related spells in power.
On the other hand, the white petals are widely used to produce help, care, purity, or healing, being especially used in union of couples and marriage spells by their relationship to brides.
The pink petals, the most common, invoke tender love, couple and family. Is in widespread use in the incantations and spells
Finally, petals yellow, much less used, mean reflection, thinking and concentration, and are useful in talismans and spells seeking concentration, intelligence or wisdom.
We should not forget, of course, the thorns of roses, used widely in sympathetic magic to produce scratches, marks, separations and cuts in relationships.
I hope to be useful this article
My blessings, Amira
Many people have written me asking me if it is the same for using a red or blue cloth in such or which spell, if a Crystal yellow or violet is the same, if the hair of a black cat is equal to a white cat. It is clear that colors do matter, since small we know that they are full of meaning, some known and others hidden, and use colors properly is a fundamental part in our learning of witchcraft. Below I will briefly review the general meaning that we give you, the wise men, the most common color:
Red: strength, health, vigor, lust, danger
Orange: courage, adaptability, simulation, attraction and kindness
Yellow: knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort
Green: finance, fertility, luck, success, power, charity, growth, rejuvenation, ambition
Blue: calm, understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, astral protection
Violet / Purple: power, piety, Holiness, sentimentality, tension, sadness, pain, wisdom
Black: denial, damage
White: purity, meditation, divinization, exorcism, the full moon, health, peace, spiritual strength
Grey: balance, neutrality, cancellation
Pink: love, friendship, affection, spiritual health
Brown: ground, concentration, distance, animal
Silver: purity, money, moon, female power, the unconscious, intuition
Gold: Sun, male energy and wisdom in business, conscious mind, deduction
I hope they serve this guide!
Blessings, Amira
Red: strength, health, vigor, lust, danger
Orange: courage, adaptability, simulation, attraction and kindness
Yellow: knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort
Green: finance, fertility, luck, success, power, charity, growth, rejuvenation, ambition
Blue: calm, understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, astral protection
Violet / Purple: power, piety, Holiness, sentimentality, tension, sadness, pain, wisdom
Black: denial, damage
White: purity, meditation, divinization, exorcism, the full moon, health, peace, spiritual strength
Grey: balance, neutrality, cancellation
Pink: love, friendship, affection, spiritual health
Brown: ground, concentration, distance, animal
Silver: purity, money, moon, female power, the unconscious, intuition
Gold: Sun, male energy and wisdom in business, conscious mind, deduction
I hope they serve this guide!
Blessings, Amira
This is a known talisman that protects against envy, widely used in the whole area of witchcraft and dark science.
They have to know that in ancient Carthage there was a very powerful magician named Abaun, son of HASDRUBAL, who had seen the devil three times and who knew the secrets to mislead the death. Under the realm of sorcerers envied him and despised him, and one of them decided to kill him. He put in a House atop a chest full of stones, which should fall on the head of the great Wizard when this happened. Abaun, passing through there, he felt the danger, and prayed: "Oh Baalfagor, protect me, those who come to me to receive pain that I want to violate". The chest was still at the top of the House and the magician went, without problems. Citizens, climbing to find the treasure, discovered with surprise that it was empty. The next day the Kingdom of Carthage woke up desolate with the news that all the magicians who envied Abaun had died unexpectedly, with a stone stuck in the heart.
This story, true or not, it is that gives rise to the following talisman, which is done in this way:
Wait for a full moon day. When this occurs, herded a group of small stones, as many as enemies want to depart. (if we don't know how many, 5 will suffice).
We should throw these stones into a fire, made possible with eucalyptus or pine wood, and let the stones to be burned there.
Once this operation is finished, remove the soot-stained stones and place them on a black cloth, or even better, a small wooden box. Cover them, and place them on a high place in our House.
Finally, close my eyes, raise your hand, and concentrating, singing the words:
Oh Baalfagor, protect me, those who come to me to receive pain that I want to infringe
Let the talisman in the place where to place it and not remove stones, each one will be a damage that will be returned to those who want to do us harm.
IMPORTANT: we must concentrate on praying the right words and focus our mind on the talisman, or it will not work!
They have to know that in ancient Carthage there was a very powerful magician named Abaun, son of HASDRUBAL, who had seen the devil three times and who knew the secrets to mislead the death. Under the realm of sorcerers envied him and despised him, and one of them decided to kill him. He put in a House atop a chest full of stones, which should fall on the head of the great Wizard when this happened. Abaun, passing through there, he felt the danger, and prayed: "Oh Baalfagor, protect me, those who come to me to receive pain that I want to violate". The chest was still at the top of the House and the magician went, without problems. Citizens, climbing to find the treasure, discovered with surprise that it was empty. The next day the Kingdom of Carthage woke up desolate with the news that all the magicians who envied Abaun had died unexpectedly, with a stone stuck in the heart.
This story, true or not, it is that gives rise to the following talisman, which is done in this way:
Wait for a full moon day. When this occurs, herded a group of small stones, as many as enemies want to depart. (if we don't know how many, 5 will suffice).
We should throw these stones into a fire, made possible with eucalyptus or pine wood, and let the stones to be burned there.
Once this operation is finished, remove the soot-stained stones and place them on a black cloth, or even better, a small wooden box. Cover them, and place them on a high place in our House.
Finally, close my eyes, raise your hand, and concentrating, singing the words:
Oh Baalfagor, protect me, those who come to me to receive pain that I want to infringe
Let the talisman in the place where to place it and not remove stones, each one will be a damage that will be returned to those who want to do us harm.
IMPORTANT: we must concentrate on praying the right words and focus our mind on the talisman, or it will not work!
This spell is of Aramaic origin and found a parchment buried by the sea dead, written in what looks like an ancient dialect. Baal Sufath was published by the magician in 1949 together with other discoveries made by his expedition and I had the opportunity to do so on one occasion, proving its validity and its power.
The steps are as follows:
A large square with sulfur must draw on the ground. Once square, together with a trace of salt the two diagonals.
In each of the triangles, we must place the following:
In the South triangle, a lit black candle. In the northern triangle, a rope. In the triangle of the East, a paper with the name of the person we want to dominate. And in the West triangle, a string (can be a small chain).
Done, we should start to walk around the square, starting from the East side, saying:
"God Baal,
help me to dominate,
subjected to _ (say the person's name)"
"God Baal,
that this fire remains"
"subjecting it to my power"
"Bend it to my will"
Turn seven times and repeat the previous sentence in each angle.
Finally, turn off the sail, collecting sulfur and salt and wash everything with rainwater.
Since that day, and for ten days shall be subject the person to our will.
My blessings
The steps are as follows:
A large square with sulfur must draw on the ground. Once square, together with a trace of salt the two diagonals.
In each of the triangles, we must place the following:
In the South triangle, a lit black candle. In the northern triangle, a rope. In the triangle of the East, a paper with the name of the person we want to dominate. And in the West triangle, a string (can be a small chain).
Done, we should start to walk around the square, starting from the East side, saying:
"God Baal,
help me to dominate,
subjected to _ (say the person's name)"
"God Baal,
that this fire remains"
"subjecting it to my power"
"Bend it to my will"
Turn seven times and repeat the previous sentence in each angle.
Finally, turn off the sail, collecting sulfur and salt and wash everything with rainwater.
Since that day, and for ten days shall be subject the person to our will.
My blessings
This spell is simple and practical, very used to reveal the feelings that a person has toward us and behind us.
First, we must get the petals from a white rose, a bowl with water from rain, abundant ashes of wood, a white canvas.
The next step is to place the ashes in the center of the canvas, placed on the ground. We will do a package with the canvas and ash, and say:
"Truth clarification
that is to say the words
that does not hide the truths,
Help me, oh goddess,
"I want to know what's like to _ (say the name and surname of the person)"
Then we introduce your canvas in rain water and wait for 10 minutes. If the ashes go into the water and it becomes cloudy, is because the person has hidden feelings towards us, if the water remains crystal clear it is because he is telling the truth and not hide us nothing.
I hope you make it useful
My blessings, Asmodea
First, we must get the petals from a white rose, a bowl with water from rain, abundant ashes of wood, a white canvas.
The next step is to place the ashes in the center of the canvas, placed on the ground. We will do a package with the canvas and ash, and say:
"Truth clarification
that is to say the words
that does not hide the truths,
Help me, oh goddess,
"I want to know what's like to _ (say the name and surname of the person)"
Then we introduce your canvas in rain water and wait for 10 minutes. If the ashes go into the water and it becomes cloudy, is because the person has hidden feelings towards us, if the water remains crystal clear it is because he is telling the truth and not hide us nothing.
I hope you make it useful
My blessings, Asmodea
This article is not so much about the names, no more is about nicknames.
Since ancient times the man knows the magical significance of the names. In the Egyptian culture, it was customary to birth a child is assigned a name, but that name was secret (only known by his parents) and in society is met by "other" name, hence his nickname. This custom, which is very common among the Pharaohs of Egypt, was meant to protect the person of the magic that could be made using its name.
This custom became Jews, who called God with a secret name, they only knew the priests of the tribe of Levi. In the Jewish Kabbalah is mentioned that the spell needed to create a human being has, among his words, the secret name of God.
Nowadays, everyone knows that owning a name is to own part of the person. When a Pope assumed his post his changes (an ancient custom of magical roots), and the same is true with many Kings in different parts of the world.
And is that a name can make all kinds of spells, domain or damage.
That is why, as you already are, that wizards use magic names and nicknames. It is not only the magical force that may have a name, the historic prestige or sentimental charge which we can provide, but that it is also a method of protection against other wizards
that you want to use our name as a weapon against us.
It is important, ultimately, to keep our protected name.
Many spells have among its main steps to write a name on a paper, and then bury it, delete it, burn it, or save it between other objects, according to the effect we want. It is simply a magical procedure elementary, akin to voodoo magic, in which the effect that we want to produce is associated with an image of the person.
Many other things could tell them about the names and their uses, but leave it to a future article
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
Since ancient times the man knows the magical significance of the names. In the Egyptian culture, it was customary to birth a child is assigned a name, but that name was secret (only known by his parents) and in society is met by "other" name, hence his nickname. This custom, which is very common among the Pharaohs of Egypt, was meant to protect the person of the magic that could be made using its name.
This custom became Jews, who called God with a secret name, they only knew the priests of the tribe of Levi. In the Jewish Kabbalah is mentioned that the spell needed to create a human being has, among his words, the secret name of God.
Nowadays, everyone knows that owning a name is to own part of the person. When a Pope assumed his post his changes (an ancient custom of magical roots), and the same is true with many Kings in different parts of the world.
And is that a name can make all kinds of spells, domain or damage.
That is why, as you already are, that wizards use magic names and nicknames. It is not only the magical force that may have a name, the historic prestige or sentimental charge which we can provide, but that it is also a method of protection against other wizards
that you want to use our name as a weapon against us.
It is important, ultimately, to keep our protected name.
Many spells have among its main steps to write a name on a paper, and then bury it, delete it, burn it, or save it between other objects, according to the effect we want. It is simply a magical procedure elementary, akin to voodoo magic, in which the effect that we want to produce is associated with an image of the person.
Many other things could tell them about the names and their uses, but leave it to a future article
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
This brief spell is suitable to produce forgetfulness of a fact or action on a person we know.
Its realization is simple, but must be performed as shown or will not work.
Firstly, we must take a white paper and write about it, with black ink, the fact or action that we want it to be forgotten and the person who should be forgotten.
Then, we will light a red candle in the center of a circle made with chalk. Aided by a clip not to hurt us, we will burn the paper.
As it burns, to repeat the words
"that will unravel the time
and dispose the memory
the time and weather
to take apart again"
This spell will produce forgetfulness of the fact the person we want.
My blessings
Its realization is simple, but must be performed as shown or will not work.
Firstly, we must take a white paper and write about it, with black ink, the fact or action that we want it to be forgotten and the person who should be forgotten.
Then, we will light a red candle in the center of a circle made with chalk. Aided by a clip not to hurt us, we will burn the paper.
As it burns, to repeat the words
"that will unravel the time
and dispose the memory
the time and weather
to take apart again"
This spell will produce forgetfulness of the fact the person we want.
My blessings
One of frequently asked questions that received in my office and that newbies keep coming back, what is a Grimoire?
Well, let's first define it: a Grimoire is an ancient text, usually handwritten, used in high magic and Artes Negras conjure celestial, demonic, Olympic and angelic beings. They give the wizard bases and signs of each deity, the form in which they appear and how to submit his will. Some of them are authentic magic systems, other, collections of earlier books. Many grimoires are translations of ancient Egyptian or Greek books, or interpretations of old spells that have gone from mouth in mouth among magicians for centuries, and some prominent Witcher decided to order and compose in a text written for knowledge of future generations.
These texts can, in some cases, be purchased by Ebay or free market. In other cases, it is almost impossible to get them.
Luckily, there are now electronic editions as the offering inall courses . Some of these books are very confusing for newbies in the magical arts, but for the experienced Wizard are an invaluable aid.
Here is a list of the main flames:
* The Grand grimoire of San Cipriano
* Enchiridion of Pope León III (year 813)
* Clavicle Salomom (year 900 aprox.)
* Lemegeton or key less than King Solomon (year 900 AP.)
* Picatrix, of Maslama ibn Ahma at Al - Magritit, (year 1007)
* The Heptaméron, of Peter of Abano, (year 1300 aprox.)
* The Grand Grimoire (year 1522)
* The Grand grimoire of Pope Honorius (year 1760)
* Golden Grimoire Down
Art attract spirits, Trithemius
* The grimoire of Armadel
* Sixth and seventh book of Moses
* Aesh Mezareph purifying fire
* Ritual to the visible appearance
* The Kybalion
* The Necronomicon
I hope that this information has been useful
Well, let's first define it: a Grimoire is an ancient text, usually handwritten, used in high magic and Artes Negras conjure celestial, demonic, Olympic and angelic beings. They give the wizard bases and signs of each deity, the form in which they appear and how to submit his will. Some of them are authentic magic systems, other, collections of earlier books. Many grimoires are translations of ancient Egyptian or Greek books, or interpretations of old spells that have gone from mouth in mouth among magicians for centuries, and some prominent Witcher decided to order and compose in a text written for knowledge of future generations.
These texts can, in some cases, be purchased by Ebay or free market. In other cases, it is almost impossible to get them.
Luckily, there are now electronic editions as the offering inall courses . Some of these books are very confusing for newbies in the magical arts, but for the experienced Wizard are an invaluable aid.
Here is a list of the main flames:
* The Grand grimoire of San Cipriano
* Enchiridion of Pope León III (year 813)
* Clavicle Salomom (year 900 aprox.)
* Lemegeton or key less than King Solomon (year 900 AP.)
* Picatrix, of Maslama ibn Ahma at Al - Magritit, (year 1007)
* The Heptaméron, of Peter of Abano, (year 1300 aprox.)
* The Grand Grimoire (year 1522)
* The Grand grimoire of Pope Honorius (year 1760)
* Golden Grimoire Down
Art attract spirits, Trithemius
* The grimoire of Armadel
* Sixth and seventh book of Moses
* Aesh Mezareph purifying fire
* Ritual to the visible appearance
* The Kybalion
* The Necronomicon
I hope that this information has been useful
The incantation that follows is the most conducive to protect the home from any person or spirit who wants to enter it for a bad cause, as well as serve to clean the atmosphere of bad influences.
Their protection is durable but not more than one solar year, so that must be repeated periodically if you want to ensure the absolute safety of our homes.
It require:
• A key
• An animal blood
• A hard paper
• A wide neck glass bottle
First of all, the glass bottle making sure that there are no impurities in it, that can modify the spell should be thoroughly cleaned.
You have to wait for that night and the night of the 7th of the month that is in progress, do the following:
Place the key that we have selected in the center of a paper, in which we have taken care to draw a tentacle (a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle). This is done, be sprayed the key with the blood of the animal.
Then wraps the key and becomes a package, taking care that all the key is wrapped. Finally gets into the bottle, and cover it with great care.
This bottle should be stored with respect, if possible under the bed of one.
Very effective to counteract the evils.
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
Their protection is durable but not more than one solar year, so that must be repeated periodically if you want to ensure the absolute safety of our homes.
It require:
• A key
• An animal blood
• A hard paper
• A wide neck glass bottle
First of all, the glass bottle making sure that there are no impurities in it, that can modify the spell should be thoroughly cleaned.
You have to wait for that night and the night of the 7th of the month that is in progress, do the following:
Place the key that we have selected in the center of a paper, in which we have taken care to draw a tentacle (a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle). This is done, be sprayed the key with the blood of the animal.
Then wraps the key and becomes a package, taking care that all the key is wrapped. Finally gets into the bottle, and cover it with great care.
This bottle should be stored with respect, if possible under the bed of one.
Very effective to counteract the evils.
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
Today I woke up in the morning and I suddenly remembered the occasion, many years ago, in one of my teachers taught me this ancient talisman, very powerful to regain the passion in the couple, back to the fire who tied them and that they love each other.
The steps are very simple:
Twelve red petals and twelve roses petals on a black cloth, a circle should be placed. Place it on the floor.
This is done, we will take a paper and write down seven things we love that special person that we want to excite: their hair, their sex, their legs, their words, smell... what we attract it.
The next step is to light a red candle and place it in the center of the cloth together with the written paper, folded into seven parts.
Put on your knees in front of the candle. We have to focus our minds and what they have written.
Finally, after a few minutes, we power the candle close cloth containing petals, candle and paper and will attach everything with a Red Ribbon. This 'package' will be a whole night in the light of the Moon and then placed under the bed where we usually sleep lovers.
I hope that it is useful to recompose your partner
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
The steps are very simple:
Twelve red petals and twelve roses petals on a black cloth, a circle should be placed. Place it on the floor.
This is done, we will take a paper and write down seven things we love that special person that we want to excite: their hair, their sex, their legs, their words, smell... what we attract it.
The next step is to light a red candle and place it in the center of the cloth together with the written paper, folded into seven parts.
Put on your knees in front of the candle. We have to focus our minds and what they have written.
Finally, after a few minutes, we power the candle close cloth containing petals, candle and paper and will attach everything with a Red Ribbon. This 'package' will be a whole night in the light of the Moon and then placed under the bed where we usually sleep lovers.
I hope that it is useful to recompose your partner
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
This talisman is widely used in Eastern countries to attract prosperity into a home or the money to a person.
The steps are simple:
First, make a circle with nine coins on the table. On every coin, lighting one candle green.
This is done with the circle of candles, place a green stone in the middle and say you high:
"Luck and bread,
bread and money,
money and prosperity,
come to this circle"
Repeat nine times.
Once done, let that candles are used up until the end, while the stone is filled with energy.
At the end we have our energy stone, which we put in the place where we keep our money (portfolio, safe, or simply pocket) and always keep it near the money that we want to multiply it.
Spell very effective in times of crisis
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
The steps are simple:
First, make a circle with nine coins on the table. On every coin, lighting one candle green.
This is done with the circle of candles, place a green stone in the middle and say you high:
"Luck and bread,
bread and money,
money and prosperity,
come to this circle"
Repeat nine times.
Once done, let that candles are used up until the end, while the stone is filled with energy.
At the end we have our energy stone, which we put in the place where we keep our money (portfolio, safe, or simply pocket) and always keep it near the money that we want to multiply it.
Spell very effective in times of crisis
My blessings, Amira Asmodea
This spell is only effective if we really need money. These are the steps to follow:
Take a candle green, writing our name along it and the amount of money we need (not add money if we want to be effective!)
Then, rub the candle with oil and place on a dish.
Turn it on, saying 'come, money. see, money"as many times as required until it ignites.
Leave it to burn until the end. DO NOT ALLOW THAT IS SHUT DOWN FOR ANY REASON.
My blessings, Amira
Take a candle green, writing our name along it and the amount of money we need (not add money if we want to be effective!)
Then, rub the candle with oil and place on a dish.
Turn it on, saying 'come, money. see, money"as many times as required until it ignites.
Leave it to burn until the end. DO NOT ALLOW THAT IS SHUT DOWN FOR ANY REASON.
My blessings, Amira