Talisman to enhance luck in business - real and powerfull

This talisman is widely used in Eastern countries to attract prosperity into a home or the money to a person.

The steps are simple:
First, make a circle with nine coins on the table. On every coin, lighting one candle green.

This is done with the circle of candles, place a green stone in the middle and say you high:

"Luck and bread,
bread and money,
money and prosperity,
come to this circle"

Repeat nine times.

Once done, let that candles are used up until the end, while the stone is filled with energy.

At the end we have our energy stone, which we put in the place where we keep our money (portfolio, safe, or simply pocket) and always keep it near the money that we want to multiply it.

Spell very effective in times of crisis

My blessings, Amira Asmodea

Brief spell for money - gain money with magic

This spell is only effective if we really need money. These are the steps to follow:

Take a candle green, writing our name along it and the amount of money we need (not add money if we want to be effective!)

Then, rub the candle with oil and place on a dish.

Turn it on, saying 'come, money. see, money"as many times as required until it ignites.

Leave it to burn until the end. DO NOT ALLOW THAT IS SHUT DOWN FOR ANY REASON.

My blessings, Amira