Amulet for luck in your new work and strength to help you

Hello, today I will teach you a simple but powerful amulet that can always carry in your purse or anywhere to ensure prosperity, luck and success in your new job.

What we get are common and easy to have:
6 coins
A green canvas
Laurel leaves
6 green candles

Well, let's start.
First place 6 coins at the vertices of a 6 pointed, like the David star.

Secondly, what arem is to place a candle on top of each of the coins. The leaves of laurel in the center of the star.

Then, we will light six candles green, taking care that all burning properly are.

The next step is to invoke the demon of avarice, Mammon, which regulates the power of money on Earth and in hell. So repeat on the candles.

"Mr Mammón Hells
Providence of the poor
attends to this your disciple
responds to this your follower
and protect it from failure
away from poverty
and help him in happiness."

Made this request, humbly, we will leave that the candles melt on coins patiently. Finally, place the six coins within the green cloth and will do a short knot.

This talisman, which we must not speak or brag much less against other people, can join us in our endeavours to help us succeed.


Spell to clean a House of spirits - magic for protection and cleaning

This spell is known, but never is too much when we repeat it for those who are newly initiated in witchcraft because it is simple and effective way to protect with magic and made exsorsisms.

It is common to use when a home is being attacked by malicious spirits, or is inhabited by ghosts that we want to get away and clean all over.

The procedure of the Magical Protectio is as follows:

Jug with holly water
We must get a glass jug, and put on it a bit of holy water (not needed much, just some drops).

Inside the jug with water, placed a bit of sand, a Red Ribbon and a handful of sulfur. Leave overnight the uninhabited house with the vase in a central place.

Holly WaterIn the course of that night, the trap will attract the spirits that are hovering inside home, trapped by the holy water.

When we return the next morning, we pour the contents of jar somewhere outside our House, the street, so spirits and ghosts are not released within, and the protection of the house was completed.

I hope it was useful

Amira Asmodea

Spell of witchcfaft for couples in crisis

Many people ask me desperate involved on a crisis of couple, to help reconcile them or remove doubts. Here is a simple recipe that I use frequently to achieve that end.

Make a circle of leaves of ruda and within it, each individual partner must put a paper folded with five things that he likes the other, written with red ink. Consecrated to the gods of love Apelles them, placing upon them a branch of cinnamon to ensure harmony, and some incense to ward off the negative.

Finally, place in a recipienta and placed on petals of white roses. Fill it with alcohol. Leave it in a place of the House where you can see it every day and remember his feelings for the other.

Blessings, Amira

Voodoo Ritual to subdue a person - how to perform voodoo magic

Many times I have been asked how it is possible to carry out a ritual of Voodoo at home, and in the majority of cases the question comes from specific despechados loves that they crave for your partner, or for people who need to master to another.

Making Voodoo Rituals to Subdue

Well, in this simple ceremony I will teach you how to perform the voodoo ritual of domain, which taught me the breast Sarunda on the occasion of my visit to the island of Haiti.

Voodoo Ritual to subdue a person
Let's start:
We begin the ritual for the Moon, if possible at midnight. It is important to dress completely in white and walk barefoot to a field, where we are confident that the lunar light reaches us.

We will carry this place a rag doll, a garment that belong to the person we want to tie, a white cord, and a bit of land.

We will begin by lying to our doll, always calling him with the name of the person we want to dominate, over the fabric of the person. We then knot both with rope or white thread, ensuring that they remain strongly united.

Finally, we recite:

"Oh gods who dwell in the hollow"
darkness of the night,
Oh gods benefactors of the Virgin
Moon who protects me,
give me dominion over (say the name)
and that willingness to bend to mine"

At the time that repeats this magic, must cover with earth the snowman and leave it there where buried it. The domain will remain strong as long as our voodoo talisman remains completely underground, and up to the next moon.

Hope that you like this ritual, the first of several Voodoo rituals. I'm going to teach them, and to share it please to let others know about it.

My blessings.

Hi all, today I move an old amulet which is used even in some rural areas of the South of France to scare away demons and evil spirits.

First, choose a good size ginger root.

Then, holding the piece of ginger between embers until it starts to burn, placed copper candlestick or a dish, and is sahúma House with the spicy aroma that will be obtained from the same. This odor will purify spirits home and away any demon that seals our home.

Once the process is finished, the rest is wrapped in a porous material, such as a gauze, and hangs from the front door to prevent that they enter the spirits, at least for a week.

This amulet is really effective and you can still see as realized in the fields of the French South, especially in the time of harvest.


Very strong spell to make a "Love Perfume" -For strong bonds on love

First and foremost blend around a 1/some water with 30 spreads of fragrance. Shake the two together in a shower bottle. Next blend in cream and cleanser. While doing this say: ''I utilize these things to make me lovely, let (addition name of pound here) relize that I am really from various perspectives.'' Put aside. Presently take one bit of string and say: ''let this string speak to my dejected soul.'' Get the other string and say: let this bit of string speak to the wonderful soul of (supplement name of squash here). Tie the strings In a tangle and abandon them in the fragrance. Put on the lipstick and kiss the flower petal. Place the flower petal in the scent. Presently put the adornments in the aroma and let it sit for 5 mins. Wear the gems and aroma when you see your pound and he will be pulled in to you!

Aconitine in a plant of the family of the ranuculaceas, which is widespread among the wizards of the age average as a poison. It was widely used by sorcerers in potions and ointments that provoked strong hallucinations drank it who or applied it is.

Its use was very common during the Sabbaths, and on many hidden books we find it mentioned. Its use has not extended its danger and I do not advise your application unless it is properly trained in occult sciences


Black magic spell to cause a sharp pain

Warning: this article speaks of a spell of black magic and as you know this magic is very dangerous. It should only be used by experienced mages. I published it for sake of my readers, but ask you to not try to do it.

The first step to perform this spell is to collect rainwater.

We must write with black ink, the name of the person in a role. This paper should be immersed completely in the water.

Seven nails placed in the water. Finally, replace everything so it will freeze and become ice.

The spell will last as long as stay made ice rain water.

Spell of the domineering virtue

This is a powerful spell that has a curious history: halle it annotated in the margin of the "Grimoire du Armadelle", in an edition of the 18th century which I bought in Bruxes, Belgium. I don't know which dates are the annotations. I know that they are in French, with some words that seem to be of Gypsy origin.
I transcribe the spell to our language.

You require:
• Cloth or fabric (by seen of the "burlap" type)
• Seeds
• Blood

You should make a Ragdoll. It must be strong, and not very large. Place seeds in a bowl, sprinkle them with blood, and then fill the Ragdoll with these seeds.
The doll should be buried at the home who we dominaremos, in a hidden place. When you begin to give sprouts, that person will be under our power.

The text says:
"Le pouvoir de Baal Fagor n' PAS of limits Mechantes aquels that is nier son pouvoir"