The garlic against the evil, how to use garlic in magic and rituals

Garlic (Allium Sativum) has been used since ancient times as a talisman against evil. The ancient Egyptians believed in spirits which killed children while they slept snatching them breath, and most widely used protection against these murderous monsters was a string of garlic.
The use of garlic is known around the world, and not only for its taste, but also for their magical powers. Even in places like China or Malaysia, people rubbed on the hands of their children to protect them from the vampires. In the East of the India, garlic is used as protection against spells.
In ancient Rome , garlic was an extremely important weapon in the fight without truce against the spirits. The Romans used to eat garlic every day to protect themselves from evil, and that's one of the reasons why of spread rapidly throughout the Empire. It was also common that windows, doors, and up to the gates of the farms they rubbed with garlic. They firmly believed that evil spirits feel a great fear for the garlic. When a person died, it was common to insert cloves of garlic into the mouth of the dead to prevent evil spirits come into the body and return it a zombie. Another common funeral rite among the Romans was to rub the body, especially the feet, a mixture made of incense, oil and garlic.
In some cultures, the possessed are exorcizados with a necklace of garlic that are forced to load until they are cured.
Currently, medical studies say that eating a garlic pill every night produces an increase in the body's defenses, and lower cholesterol. Garlic is also antiseptic and fungicide.
With regard to the magic, garlic is an indispensable for all ally spells related to the protection and the removal of evil. You must not miss in a House that is getting bad vibes, and if you have a trade and it is filled with hate or misunderstanding, garlic is an effective talisman to correct these problems.
I hope to put into practice what I tell them. In my Office I had always hung a string of garlic and never went evil to it, always kept me immune to these problems. Now that I no longer have age to care for my patients, I choose this Blog to convey my magical knowledge and hope that many of my readers to understand and transmit these tips.


Work for sex delive and passion

You would not believe the amount of people who send me emails and messages pridiendome with all reserve that will help them to identify sexually intercourse.

Many people keep dark sexual desires for Studio work, coworkers, neighbors and even cousins or in-laws.

I always repeat the same thing: the magic has a limit, we can awaken the desire to sleep, we can whip up a flame that is off, but we cannot force a person to do something if that person does not want to do, and with sex is perhaps the most applies this principle, spells are only useful when it comes to dispel doubts and ignite the desire.

Let us then our:
To perform the spell, it is necessary to prepare a container with rainwater. It will also be necessary to obtain an object of the desired person: can be an article of clothing, hair, even a servillete, but the more intimate best.

Place the water in the light of the full moon, and in the Center let drop the object that we have achieved (if it is an article of clothing, cut a little).

We sat against the vessel and recite:

"I know that your I want as I wish you,
do not hide your decision
surrender to my arms
that our fate is sealed"

Said these words, you take a handful of salt and espolvoreas it in circle in the container.

You must then take a piece of your clothing (can be shoes)

Repeat the previous sentence.

Then you return to take a handful of salt in the container, always in circles, and at the end return to take off an article of clothing.

Do this as many times as necessary until completely naked / to

We have come here to the crucial part of the spell: must close your eyes and think of the person you want, thinking too hard about it. Then sumerjes hands on rain water and begin to pass through your body, in each place where you want that you love him or her.

Do not open your eyes and concentrate on your request. When the water is beyond finished, dry yourself carefully, takes the object that you've placed in the container and bury it in a safe place.

In a short time your wish will become reality

My blessings

Amulet for luck in business

Money Spells. We all know that we are in times of crisis, in times of change. But that does not mean that everything goes wrong, can be, as you see, a good time to start a new project if we can prosecute our ideas. But of course, even though we have everything you need to start a good business, it is never others give you extra help with this talisman that will give us the energy missing us and attract money and luck to our business.

It must be this way:
First, place a (low-denomination) Bill on the table. In the middle of the ticket we will put a little salt, symbol of the money, and turn the ticket so that we have a small package. We must tie this package with a Gold Ribbon.
Once insertion, place seven coins around, and about each coin a green candle, a circle alrdedor of our charm.
We will then say:
"Lucky I accompany,
in my new adventure
that I don't miss the money,
bread, no luck,
my way will not deviate
win and gain"

Turn off a candle, and reciting the incantation, and then turn off other candle, and repeat it again, so once we said four times.

Finally, take the amulet, which will already be loaded, and put it in our business, in the place where we usually put the money (a piggy bank, safe, etc)
It is an amulet for prosperity and luck of very long lasting

My blessings