Meanings and correspondences of colors

Many people have written me asking me if it is the same for using a red or blue cloth in such or which spell, if a Crystal yellow or violet is the same, if the hair of a black cat is equal to a white cat. It is clear that colors do matter, since small we know that they are full of meaning, some known and others hidden, and use colors properly is a fundamental part in our learning of witchcraft. Below I will briefly review the general meaning that we give you, the wise men, the most common color:

Red: strength, health, vigor, lust, danger
Orange: courage, adaptability, simulation, attraction and kindness
Yellow: knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort
Green: finance, fertility, luck, success, power, charity, growth, rejuvenation, ambition
Blue: calm, understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, astral protection
Violet / Purple: power, piety, Holiness, sentimentality, tension, sadness, pain, wisdom
Black: denial, damage
White: purity, meditation, divinization, exorcism, the full moon, health, peace, spiritual strength
Grey: balance, neutrality, cancellation
Pink: love, friendship, affection, spiritual health
Brown: ground, concentration, distance, animal
Silver: purity, money, moon, female power, the unconscious, intuition
Gold: Sun, male energy and wisdom in business, conscious mind, deduction

I hope they serve this guide!

Blessings, Amira

String Ritual To ward off Envy

This is a known talisman that protects against envy, widely used in the whole area of witchcraft and dark science.

They have to know that in ancient Carthage there was a very powerful magician named Abaun, son of HASDRUBAL, who had seen the devil three times and who knew the secrets to mislead the death. Under the realm of sorcerers envied him and despised him, and one of them decided to kill him. He put in a House atop a chest full of stones, which should fall on the head of the great Wizard when this happened. Abaun, passing through there, he felt the danger, and prayed: "Oh Baalfagor, protect me, those who come to me to receive pain that I want to violate". The chest was still at the top of the House and the magician went, without problems. Citizens, climbing to find the treasure, discovered with surprise that it was empty. The next day the Kingdom of Carthage woke up desolate with the news that all the magicians who envied Abaun had died unexpectedly, with a stone stuck in the heart.

This story, true or not, it is that gives rise to the following talisman, which is done in this way:

Wait for a full moon day. When this occurs, herded a group of small stones, as many as enemies want to depart. (if we don't know how many, 5 will suffice).
We should throw these stones into a fire, made possible with eucalyptus or pine wood, and let the stones to be burned there.
Once this operation is finished, remove the soot-stained stones and place them on a black cloth, or even better, a small wooden box. Cover them, and place them on a high place in our House.
Finally, close my eyes, raise your hand, and concentrating, singing the words:

Oh Baalfagor, protect me, those who come to me to receive pain that I want to infringe

Let the talisman in the place where to place it and not remove stones, each one will be a damage that will be returned to those who want to do us harm.

IMPORTANT: we must concentrate on praying the right words and focus our mind on the talisman, or it will not work!
