Three spells for love II - Use magic to like someone


Make a slight cut in the middle of an onion, fill it with drops of saliva, with a small magnet and poppy seeds.
Subtly wrap in aluminum foil and burying it in a pot. Then say: today I correspond, captive and loving, serene and unconditional. For my will be and no one more anhelarĂ¡s.
When the first shoots sprout, the love will grow. It will be solid, and safe to the plant to thrive.
So the magical result is even more powerful, I recommend daily watering the onion with holy water.


Ask your partner a handkerchief or a piece of personal use. Wet the garment with tears to moisten.
Make two knots strong well and leave it overnight in an infusion of cinnamon and vinegar. Put it under your bed, on the side where you don't sleep.
Then, dry outdoors, untie the knots and cry out in a loud voice: "With the force of this charm, attract your love so we live together until I resolve".
Finally, give it. The berth will be fulfilled.


Take a photo of yourself and another of the desired person. Glue them so that they are facing each other, i.e. looking face to face.
Place them on a plate and cover with a little musk essential oil. The next day, go to a discovered site and burn the photos inside a metal container. When the doing, repeat in a low voice: "sacred love, cherished love, closer to my and you never turn from my side." Fill me in joy and happiness. "Surrender now so only I can be who you love".

The Sabbats in wicca - Important days in wiccan calendar

The sabbats dates vary each year, but usually take place within the three days that I describe below. There are also variations in the names of the Sabbats. Below are the most common:

Samhain, October 31st
Samhain marks the end of the year wicca and the birth of a new one. It is the occasion to commemorate the ancestors, at the same time, the veil between the two worlds is milder.

Imbolic, 2 February
Imbolic is the end of the (Northern Hemisphere) spring. Imbolic, the goddess is the Virgin Bride returning to Earth. Imbolic literally means "in the womb" in Gaelic, and represents the awakening of life.

Beltane, may 1
Beltane is by far the holiday with more magic of the wheel of the year. It is the Sabbat calls to celebrate the magic, joy and fertility, and by the blessing of unions.

Lughnasadh, 1 August
Its name comes from the Warrior son of the Sun, Lugo, is a festival that is usually close deals, conclude what started, play and celebrate.

These are the main festivals of the wicca religion. I hope you make it guide all those who are thinking of starting to walk the Wiccan path, a noble religion that every day is more and more followers.

As a final comment, I tell them that many years ago, he visited me at my office a lady, who had studied many years the wicca religion and had toured England, Scotland and Ireland in search of the remains of this religion. I remember that she sat opposite me, with peace and serenity which tend to radiate the Warlocks wicca. I asked him what it felt to visit old dolmens Celts, the homeland of Mother goddess. He just smiled and said "all the Earth is the homeland of the goddess, every living being is of the goddess".

I always remember these words. Only two times I went back to see this woman. He spoke little and nothing, but when he did, everyone did suddenly silence and listened to her because her words were left floating in the air, full of wisdom.


Amira Asmodea

Spell to master over someone with magic

This is the spell most used by the followers of the red magic to subdue the spirits of his victims. It is simple, durable, and very effective, provided that it is applied with correction. Perhaps you should practice a few times to master it.

They are required:
• Spoon
• 6 drops of blood of an animal
• 6 drops of holy water
• 6 drops saliva
• Sulphur
• A red candle
• Paper and pencil

The spoon is taken with the left hand, is placed over it a bit of sulfur, the drops of blood, saliva and water vendita.
Spoon takes over the fire of the Red candle and leave awhile until mixture becomes dark.
Separately, write down the following prayer:

"By your grace and your power
Great Orpheus inhabitant of the deep Earth
You returned from the dead to bring us your gifts
I ask that you enter the soul of... (name of person)
You doblegues your desires and submit to my will
Great Orpheus inhabitant of the deep Earth
Give me the power to dominate it
Give me the power to submit it
Holding your journey to my will
I give this offering as a sign of praise
Then, take a pen and signed the paper using ink preparation we did at the beginning.

Save the role a safe place, away from the sight of prying eyes.

Note: the spell is to be more effective, I put it under a stone of quartz, by its energy value and concentrating power properties.

How to use Magic mirrors

"Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful?"
remember the witch from snow white's question?

Since time immemorial, witches, sorcerers and wizards have generally used mirrors, honing metals and water sources that reflect, to predict the future. Even snow white witch uses it. What is an omen? It is the vision of a fact of the future, the present or the past, sent by spirits of another plane existential, concentrating within objects look like a mirror. Mirrors that have the power necessary to reflect these views are called mirrors black.

As we said before, blacks mirrors are not the only way to be an omen, also used sources of water, balls of glass, shiny metal, etc.

Of all the methods omen, which I prefer and gave me better results, it is the black mirror. They usually have a great magical power, although it shall not abuse them so they don't lose it and give them time to replenish their energies. It is also vital strength and concentration with the wizard or witch who uses it, and the practice that has to read in the mirror.

The black mirror becomes, for the magician expert in the window to the universe and the spiritual world. It can give you the vision of past lives or of facts that are about to occur. You can give you answers to questions you have, or show you a guide to entering the world of the most there.
They must understand, my readers, that the omen takes a bit of practice to begin to develop it.

Astral Vision
What is an Astral vision? It is the ability to see inside the Astral planes in a black mirror. For some people, who are naturally inclined to possess this gift, it can be normal and easy. For others, it can take months to reach a vision. Clean the mind and achieve a clear concentration is vital to achieve the vision.
It can be used for many purposes in the magical divination. For those willing to study high magic, you should know that the black mirror is used in the "triangle of Solomon" to exorcise the demon or celestial bodies. Spirits are not manifested in its physical form, but as a vision in the mirror that the sorcerer is able to recognize in the astral plane thanks to the black mirror.

It is important: many newbies will not see the spirits or see them by a fraction of a second, or "believe to see it". It is difficult to have the powers necessary to obtain a clear and lasting vision of the spirit, and only can be achieved with serious and constant practice. Those who just begin, I recommend spending a good time (between half an hour and now) meditating with staring in the mirror, and your mind clear.

I recommend them to have patience with the black mirrors. The art of divination is hard, but not impossible.

How to activate a Talisman or amulet

There are many people who they have raised questions whether it is Activate the talismans or amulets and how do it, here is a way to go.
Some amulets have your own manual and in this case you must follow, for those who do nothere they are some guidelines:
Each charm contains certain properties that is transmitted to the user. But since is on the thought of great energy strength, it is always recommended to customize the talisman.
The steps to customize a charm are as follows:

1. - Light a candle (requesting that the ceiling light I enlighten below). If you wish, you can also burn a little incense.

2. - Take the amulet in his hands.

3. - Prayer of the Lord (or any prayer with which we are familiar )).

4. - To the asked (which is consistent with the possibilities of that the amulet), for example: thanks to attract prosperity in my life (in the case referred to an amulet that brings prosperity )).

5. - Give thank you.

6. - Prayer of the Lord to close another work.

In this way you will have already their talisman staff. It would be interesting after 15 days, repeat the operation, after having put the talisman in the Sun for 3 hours for reactivate.


Fire and magic - ritual with fire

In this short post we will talk about the relationship between fire and magic. Fire is used both in white magic and black magic. We must always be careful to do it in a safe place to not burn, nor poison us with carbon monoxide. Please, when they made the following rituals have much caution, is not suitable for children or much less be taken in jest!

Fire spell to obtain love from a person...

At night, light a small fire in a secluded place. Cut a square piece of paper of about ten inches square. Draw a heart in it, and paint it red. Write the name of the person you want with the heart. While performing this operation, strongly think about the loved one. Think of your burning heart's desire as the flames of the campfire. Then, Kiss in the heart name three times. Then, throw paper into the fire saying these words with greater sincerity:

"Fire that you are coming from within,
Give me the love I feel,
Get that my heart is cold,
That his heart is mine.
Fire that you are coming from within,
To come soon to meet me"

Meditate on the spell you just invoke and display it come true. Finally, it extinguishes the fire carefully.

To ward off bad luck

During the night light a small fire on a safe place. Write on a piece of paper the words bad luck. Then, write below any bad thing that has happened to you lately. Finally, draw a large cross on the paper with a permanent marker.
He throws the paper to fire, saying this spell three times:

"Fire, fire you carry my cross"
Give your light to my path
Fire, fire of antiquity,
Illumine my darkness,
Fire, fire that you attract the death,
It burns my bad luck"
Then say this I adjure you, sit and concentrate on away bad luck and good luck to get in our way. Then extinguish fire with city.

These two spells are very useful, especially the second. I used them a few years ago to conjure a patient who had bad luck and some time's done, this person sent me a letter telling me how her life had changed.

If someone made them, it would be interesting to tell us if they gave result and if they had difficulties to perform them.

