In this short post we will talk about the relationship between fire and magic. Fire is used both in white magic and black magic. We must always be careful to do it in a safe place to not burn, nor poison us with carbon monoxide. Please, when they made the following rituals have much caution, is not suitable for children or much less be taken in jest!

Fire spell to obtain love from a person...

At night, light a small fire in a secluded place. Cut a square piece of paper of about ten inches square. Draw a heart in it, and paint it red. Write the name of the person you want with the heart. While performing this operation, strongly think about the loved one. Think of your burning heart's desire as the flames of the campfire. Then, Kiss in the heart name three times. Then, throw paper into the fire saying these words with greater sincerity:

"Fire that you are coming from within,
Give me the love I feel,
Get that my heart is cold,
That his heart is mine.
Fire that you are coming from within,
To come soon to meet me"

Meditate on the spell you just invoke and display it come true. Finally, it extinguishes the fire carefully.

To ward off bad luck

During the night light a small fire on a safe place. Write on a piece of paper the words bad luck. Then, write below any bad thing that has happened to you lately. Finally, draw a large cross on the paper with a permanent marker.
He throws the paper to fire, saying this spell three times:

"Fire, fire you carry my cross"
Give your light to my path
Fire, fire of antiquity,
Illumine my darkness,
Fire, fire that you attract the death,
It burns my bad luck"
Then say this I adjure you, sit and concentrate on away bad luck and good luck to get in our way. Then extinguish fire with city.

These two spells are very useful, especially the second. I used them a few years ago to conjure a patient who had bad luck and some time's done, this person sent me a letter telling me how her life had changed.

If someone made them, it would be interesting to tell us if they gave result and if they had difficulties to perform them.

