Magical spell to subdue a person for 10 days

This spell is of Aramaic origin and found a parchment buried by the sea dead, written in what looks like an ancient dialect. Baal Sufath was published by the magician in 1949 together with other discoveries made by his expedition and I had the opportunity to do so on one occasion, proving its validity and its power.

The steps are as follows:
A large square with sulfur must draw on the ground. Once square, together with a trace of salt the two diagonals.

In each of the triangles, we must place the following:

In the South triangle, a lit black candle. In the northern triangle, a rope. In the triangle of the East, a paper with the name of the person we want to dominate. And in the West triangle, a string (can be a small chain).

Done, we should start to walk around the square, starting from the East side, saying:

"God Baal,
help me to dominate,
subjected to _ (say the person's name)"
"God Baal,
that this fire remains"
"subjecting it to my power"
"Bend it to my will"

Turn seven times and repeat the previous sentence in each angle.

Finally, turn off the sail, collecting sulfur and salt and wash everything with rainwater.

Since that day, and for ten days shall be subject the person to our will.

My blessings

Spell to find out if a person lies to us

This spell is simple and practical, very used to reveal the feelings that a person has toward us and behind us.

First, we must get the petals from a white rose, a bowl with water from rain, abundant ashes of wood, a white canvas.

The next step is to place the ashes in the center of the canvas, placed on the ground. We will do a package with the canvas and ash, and say:

"Truth clarification
that is to say the words
that does not hide the truths,
Help me, oh goddess,
"I want to know what's like to _ (say the name and surname of the person)"

Then we introduce your canvas in rain water and wait for 10 minutes. If the ashes go into the water and it becomes cloudy, is because the person has hidden feelings towards us, if the water remains crystal clear it is because he is telling the truth and not hide us nothing.

I hope you make it useful

My blessings, Asmodea

Meaning of names in the magic and rituals

This article is not so much about the names, no more is about nicknames.

Since ancient times the man knows the magical significance of the names. In the Egyptian culture, it was customary to birth a child is assigned a name, but that name was secret (only known by his parents) and in society is met by "other" name, hence his nickname. This custom, which is very common among the Pharaohs of Egypt, was meant to protect the person of the magic that could be made using its name.

This custom became Jews, who called God with a secret name, they only knew the priests of the tribe of Levi. In the Jewish Kabbalah is mentioned that the spell needed to create a human being has, among his words, the secret name of God.

Nowadays, everyone knows that owning a name is to own part of the person. When a Pope assumed his post his changes (an ancient custom of magical roots), and the same is true with many Kings in different parts of the world.

And is that a name can make all kinds of spells, domain or damage.

That is why, as you already are, that wizards use magic names and nicknames. It is not only the magical force that may have a name, the historic prestige or sentimental charge which we can provide, but that it is also a method of protection against other wizards
that you want to use our name as a weapon against us.

It is important, ultimately, to keep our protected name.

Many spells have among its main steps to write a name on a paper, and then bury it, delete it, burn it, or save it between other objects, according to the effect we want. It is simply a magical procedure elementary, akin to voodoo magic, in which the effect that we want to produce is associated with an image of the person.

Many other things could tell them about the names and their uses, but leave it to a future article

My blessings, Amira Asmodea

Real spell to forget and move on

This brief spell is suitable to produce forgetfulness of a fact or action on a person we know.

Its realization is simple, but must be performed as shown or will not work.

Firstly, we must take a white paper and write about it, with black ink, the fact or action that we want it to be forgotten and the person who should be forgotten.

Then, we will light a red candle in the center of a circle made with chalk. Aided by a clip not to hurt us, we will burn the paper.

As it burns, to repeat the words

"that will unravel the time
and dispose the memory
the time and weather
to take apart again"

This spell will produce forgetfulness of the fact the person we want.

My blessings