Extra help to ward off foods that harm us and the temptations.

First, get:
-A handful of salt.
-A quartz crystal.
-A green candle.

Instructions to make this spell:

Make a circle of salt. Inside sit and meditate, concentrating on all the positive things that happen when you lose weight (health, strength, new clothes). When you are ready, turn the Green candle and write say:

"Inner goddess,
Outdoor goddess,
guide me to my end,
calms my hunger,
strengthens my spirit,

Lifting the glass over your head with both hands, you focus on all the negative aspects of your effort (hunger, temptations and traps), placed those thoughts one by one inside the Crystal, pass it on to it with your hands. When you feel purified / or shut down the candle.
Place the glass near a window overnight. In the morning, pick up the glass and put it in a place where you can take it with you everywhere. Touch it whenever you feel tempted to eat and remembers the spell.

The best time to do it is a clear night, three days after the full moon.