Black Magic: is Black magic there?



The answer is difficult, but try to determine what

Throughout this report. For many occult science is applied to the

wrong. This science seeks to induce changes in reality causing

nonphysical injuries or damages to others through actions and

invocations made to the will of their practitioners. This

definition it will follow that black magic is intended to cause


But what's the harm? Is something wrong or not? How many times

fix some wrong caused minor damage but damage nonetheless.

For example: a doctor to remove a gangrene of the leg

turns to her amputation (minor damage) to avoid death

patient (major damage). So the definition of damage becomes

subjective. Can we then accept the execution of a lesser evil

to avoid a greater evil? To answer this question requires

conduct a thorough, case by case basis and considering

which is in turn sought the highest good and what is the lesser evil


Some cultures invoke the spirits and exorcise devils

evil is absolutely normal, so the black ceremonies

are part of religious ritual. In contrast, in the west is the devil

the opposite of God, is the opponent, the greatest enemy of mankind, and

for science, those who think that demons are real they are

considered psychopaths.

Black magic is subjected to prejudice, so its

true meaning is difficult to understand.

According to Hindu philosophy the whole universe is created by three

major gods and their existence is due to them and under their

government to the lesser gods. These three gods: Brhama: that is the

supreme creator, Vishnu: that is what sustains life, the supreme

love, and Shiva, which is devastating.

These gods are united in an eternal dance, and each bar is

a time for everyone. Marking the final time, the ruthless

Shiva is able to separate the spirit from matter. The spirit can not be

gradient as it returns to its original state, ie quiet.

During his lifetime, a man passes by way of games,

mixtures, interaction and impact of power coming from

these gods. Although the subject can also break free from the chains

that bind the material world, blending with their only god and

energy. Shiva can not get enlightened spirits, only

extends its power over all matter. The wise men, study

and discover the secrets to that address their deer Shiva

prayers, but they also know that the management of this energy is


Some scholars, which existed in the west, they used

this type of energy, but the dominance of the Roman Church and its legacy

the Judeo-Christian indicted, pursued to exterminate

physically and sullied his memoirs.

Thousands of heretics, so called by the Holy Inquisition were

launched its sacred flame. But although the church acknowledged its

faults and errors, the reality is that these facts are not

that the repeated destruction that humanity made against him


It seems that despite claims that ceremonious

made in favor of life, mercy, and the good, the story

built on the blood of the blameless.

Those in whose hands the power will do what they were

necessary to maintain and commit any act, terrible

that is, if they feel threatened. Later, seek answers

to justify their actions and so history will be created based on

lies. These lies will be born the obsession that we

disposal to reach the truth. All converge in the cosmos

forces and sorted according to the decisions of its creator. This

universe is superior to any human interpretation.

In this immortal dance of the three gods, life and it germinates

nourished by the same mind.

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