Many people want to incur into magic but a few will be

selected. To unravel the mystery of life and the role that each one of us

is predestined, we venture into the very principle of

life in the moment of conception, where a single egg

may be fertilized by one sperm from the millions, allowing us to determine that

a new being to survive. Millions of people will be discarded.


During the course of Western history, the

powerful rulers of all kinds, and resorted to guess

Priests to face important decisions, was the time

the magic is considered a famous discipline.

At other times the magic had difficult times, where there

darkness and persecution, which pass through this road, it was very

difficult times where there was resistance.

Already in medieval Europe, they begin to be mentioned in the

treatises on magic and popular traditions, the Sabbath or

Coven meetings were diabolical. These meetings

conducted in remote areas, vacant lots or cemeteries during

night in them, sorcerers or witches, under the dominion of the devil

delivered to all possible excesses, the most satanic and

frightening, worshiped the devil, using orgies where

abundant sexual debauchery.

Because witches brujosy gave the Sabbath to name

fiestas evil, and considering that Sabbath means Saturday or

seventh day for Jews, and was the day that according to their belief

Lord praised the Inquisitors took this to prove

that black magic in opposite directions trying to copy the tradition

Judeo-Christian, performing a gruesome drama this tradition

to be performed rites and ceremonies praising the devil and not God,

changing the good for evil.

During the reign of Henry IV, it was said that during the Sabbath was

loves of a monstrous form, is obscene dance form, is

diabolically mate is outrageously injury, is sought

revenge, wanton sex acts are performed, runs behind

lowest instincts and disgusting, loves all animals and

unclean reptiles, you want with a burning desire and immodest. These

orgies were held in veneration by the devil. During that time

many people were jailed and accused of witchcraft

sorcery. One of the defendants who had no more than 20 years

when it was learned, have stated that began to go to the Sabbath, and

During these meetings he met the devil, which had been

to caress the back and only the wisest could

caress his face. Also during these meetings that many

transformed, becoming cats, dogs, pigs and more

various animals, as well as dancing with horrifying

masks and completely naked.


Another of the accused was convinced that for a

Coven had eaten the nose of a child. The truth is that more than

500 people were burned alive, after having declared that

were followers of Satan. Generally all declarations

extracted under torture.

Seen from the social and historical point of these meetings were

used by farmers and deer, to plot the

riots that erupted in late S XV in Europe. In these

Witches are denoted on the people who attended, the need

make a social rebellion, against the church, the masters of

powerful who ran the life of the oppressed at will.

It is also likely that these ceremonies were held

continuous spells against the despots of religion. While a

principle in these meetings are aimed to satisfy instincts

most barbaric sex were pure orgy, and they went to great

gentlemen who wished to express their sexuality in a lewd and

without any qualms or misgivings, but later they are not intended

was only sexually, but sexual union appeared in them.

In those days marriages were almost impossible

because the political and religious power exercised control over

all people living in nearby villages. These people were

neighbors and the majority were related to a lesser or greater degree and

church determined who could not marry until the 7th

degree of blood and not with people nearby. To collapse

link, they had no recourse to such unions illegal

were made for the Sabbath.

During this day all that was venerated church

detested, surrendered to the devil worship and praise as the inverse

God, the Church and the Lord, banquets and communions were held

sex, the hanged funeral veneration. Were organized around

kind of revenge against the mighty of the land, defying

sky, joined fraternally in disgrace amid

seizures and disturbances.

In the fourteenth century was conceived uprising that unreasonably

led to the overthrow of feudalism.

The magic mingles sometimes walk both ways

parallel, leading to a rejection of ordinary individuals

a society at a particular time. Unique entities and spirits. The

economic and technological dominance has acted on culture

Western causing the communication is instantaneous

through the computer. But in the reality of every day

continue to express the ethereal worlds. Although long

eventually dropped the ritual of our ancestors, dedicating

more to address the body, if possible, in a private cemetery,

still counting on certain occasions, stories

apparitions of deceased relatives or strangers ghosts.

In ancient cultures it was valued more and more respected

the spirits that had passed into another world. They are calling for

help us in difficult times or simply remembered,

they are cited as examples or anecdotes of his life.

We find spirits in a parallel stage waiting

someone to run certain connections that promote

communication. There are many ways of triggering mechanisms

that can deliver this communication, for example, alterations

have that quality of consciousness. There are also many ways

entering a stage of altered consciousness.

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